Example sentences of "he was [being] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to Cowles , the plan was that Stirling and his crew would set up an ambush on the road , which intelligence had informed him was being used by a stream of enemy traffic .
2 Sladen looked at George , who reluctantly sat up a bit straighter , and said : ‘ Until your chap did talk , I imagine Major Maxim thought he was being followed by a bunch of Kremlin cowboys . ’
3 He told him he was very excited because he was being posted to Liverpool 8 — Toxteth — and McCartney asked him why .
4 Was it possible he was being distanced from the large family they were trying to help ?
5 MainMan was n't started right at that point but then DeFries had the idea that he could keep a better eye on David , myself and eventually Mick Ronson , as he was being treated as a solo artist .
6 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
7 Two days later , Allitt helped a doctor make up a drug he was being treated with and was left alone in the treatment room while the doctor saw another patient , said Mr Goldring .
8 Eddie Gilfoyle , 30 , was arrested at a hospital where he was being treated for stress .
9 Comedian Les Dawson ( above ) is recovering at home after being discharged from hospital in Preston where he was being treated for a blood infection after a prostate operation .
10 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
11 Again , Jeremiah was doing the Lord 's work as a servant ; in the passage we heard a few moments ago , he expressed his dismay at the manner in which he was being treated by the people .
12 He was to be classified as a Soviet citizen , he was being sent to the Correctional Labour Colonies …
13 Rumour became reality when my father received a cold , official letter telling him that he was being sent to a place called Fontanellato .
14 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
15 Quinn announced himself through the entryphone , aware he was being scanned by the overhead video-camera .
16 He was being scanned by his own people , and he had been identified .
17 yeah but he do n't get done , he does n't get done , that is the problem , the kids do n't , I 've written a letter to Mr yesterday , why they were waiting for the games teacher he was hitting Geoffrey and he gave him a dead leg , kneeing him in the leg , he said before drama , he 's got drama tomorrow he says he hates drama because the teacher takes no notice , he said one week Stuart was hitting me with a stick and the teacher just said calm down you boys , and he was being hit with a stick oh no and this I find totally disgusting and I feel like complaining about this , one of the teachers and I do n't know whether its drama yeah I think it was drama and
18 She signed it because her husband pressed her to do so and told her he was being pressed by Campbell , and because she believed that if she would sign it … it would enable her husband to settle the beer contract . …
19 Mill Reef returned to Longchamp the following spring to notch up a ten-length victory in the Prix Ganay , but after a lacklustre display when beating Homeric a neck in the Coronation Cup at Epsom he did not race again : he was being prepared for a second Arc when on 30 August 1972 he fractured a foreleg on the gallops , and was retired to stud .
20 He was being questioned at a police station in Bradford where the investigation is based .
21 He was being questioned at a police station in Bradford where the investigation , which is being headed by Detective Superintendent Trevor Wilkinson , is based .
22 Brophy said that he was being questioned about leaks , and that rumours and false information were circulating .
23 He was being questioned about Glasgow 's declining health standards by worried councillors .
24 It dawned on Wycliffe that the room was smelling strongly of whisky , and that Miss Bond had probably hidden bottle and glasses while he was being received on the landing .
25 As he was being led to the cells he sniggered and said : ‘ Happy Christmas , by the way . ’
26 He felt that he was being earmarked for special attention from the Dale 's big central defenders in a rough and tumble encounter that saw McDonough being given his marching orders in the 66th minute for an alleged use of the elbow .
27 He did n't really believe it , all the time he was being dragged through near-empty streets which were no longer silent , but filled with curious brawls , or outbursts of squealing or , what he had just heard , the sound of terrified retching .
28 , who works for Decommissioning and Waste Management at Harwell , gave a try of one of his two FlexiFoil power kites and the next thing he knew ‘ he was being dragged across the field on his bottom ! ’
29 They went to Malaga , where Ken was upset about not being recognized and then left because after raising his voice he was being pestered by autograph-hunters .
30 Alien corn , Father Dowd called them once when he was being entertained at home and he and her father were discussing politics .
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