Example sentences of "he tell [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 'E told us on Sunday at the sermon .
2 I recall listening to him tell it to visitors when I was a child , and then later , when I was starting out as a footman under his supervision .
3 I confided nothing of my circumstances , merely asked Émile how he was and kept him telling me at length , without interrupting him .
4 On their first encounter , she had drawn him abruptly into her chamber and asked him to tell her about Nicholas .
5 He told her of Christie 's reaction when the Mousetrap first went on stage .
6 He told her at length of what he would do and what she would do .
7 He told her about Mrs Lark .
8 When Mum came down he told her about Albert 's offer and she perked up , too .
9 Helen watched Culley 's face while he told her about Josh Reid and the child .
10 ‘ I began to yearn for you the moment you left , ’ he told her in return .
11 ‘ There 's a comic article in The Studio this month , ’ he told her in July 1947 , alluding to the first full-length article on himself written by Bernard Denvir .
12 Antony cleverly exploited this principle when he told them of Caesar 's will .
13 He told them without elaboration the content of his conversation with Jahsaxa Penumbra .
14 He told them about Marylebone , the night at the hotel , the terms Zack had laid down for the rendezvous , and how he had just made the deadline .
15 He told them about Mahmoud being put back on the case .
16 He told me about Aunt Emily … and Mr Spot . ’
17 Crilly , I 'll tell you about the sparkle of Belgravia , the shimmer of white marble , a sumptuous , salubrious white , the sugary white of fluffy friendship , cloudship , feely white , and the slim cobblestone road which led to the river where I met James who was fresh from Waterstone 's with his arms full of Pinter plays , O he was as a young Terence Stamp , Crilly , but for the sly cracks of wisdom about the corners of his eyes , and we drank espresso and he told me about Spain and the high mountains of India , and the Pyrenees he had taken on foot , and though I was as trite as my shopping Saturdays and my small muggy and squirming palms in summertime , he painted my body swirly-lined and peach upon a large canvas and made love to me upon the tip of the Heath with all of London a basin of rooftops beneath us while the sky loomed low in grey and pink , the Heath a dark pudding of sloping mountains , wild and white and wide as Brontë country , with only the smug suburban cliffs of Highgate Village peering from behind its sprawling hem , and big dogs scurried like brown birds to the crevice of foothills and then disappeared , so we made love for a while beneath that sky , which cast a blaze upon us the colour of cream .
18 He told me about Midge when he got back to London and I called him from the shop one Saturday , telling him we 'd be interested in him as a singer .
19 our Colin 's car and he said and I 'll shop and that 's when he told me about Margaret .
20 Then he told me about chaology , which he called the new buzz thing .
21 At Penywaun , years later , he told me about John Evans and his sister as they were at the first two decades of this century : I sensed as a boy they were unusual but now I recognized how different they were .
22 He told me about Piero della Francesca 's mysterious Flagellation in the Ducal palace in Urbino , and he said that it was ‘ probably the greatest small picture in the world ’ , a line which I was able to use in a novel set in Tuscany .
23 and he told me about Thomas the Tank engine , everywhere we went
24 He told me at Westgate .
25 At first I refused , but then he told me of Daniel 's murder , and said no-one would believe I was not implicated … ’
26 When I first went back he told me on Saturday .
27 ‘ I 'm going out today , ’ he told me between mouthfuls of rice and salad .
28 ‘ It was very hard work in many ways ’ , he told me in February 1985 , ‘ and the fact that we 'd been thirteen years [ in Opposition ] meant that most of them , almost all of them , had no experience at all in government .
29 He told us of families who had built ramshackle premises on unused land only to see them bulldozed .
30 He told us about Lisa .
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