Example sentences of "he see as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to English , he suggests that what he sees as the limitations of ‘ metropolitan ’ use of the language may not be present in other registers : ‘ still an integration of thought and feeling in metaphor and imagery is what we seek to have recreated for us in the best literature ’ ( ibid. p. 78 ) .
2 Harry McLevy , Scottish organiser of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union , is in no doubt Timex is determined to strangle what he sees as the union 's legitimate activities .
3 As the Wallabies , fresh from beating Scotland , strike a deal with sports marketing agency IMG , skipper Nick Farr-Jones speaks of his desire to speed up what he sees as the game 's inevitable move to semi-pro status .
4 But his frustration with what he sees as the corruption and inertia of the Romanian system means he is always ready to push an argument .
5 it is a clear statement of what he sees as the group 's essential mission — to construct and operate a customer-driven enterprise .
6 Yet only recently has he been affirming what he sees as the Bank 's main job : to attack outright poverty — measured , for instance , in crude terms of calorific intake .
7 ‘ Wils ’ deplores what he sees as the over-commercialisation of Lord 's , and feels resentment at the criticism that allegedly came his way whenever he helped foreign players .
8 This was inevitable because Jesus remained totally obedient to what he saw as the will of God for him .
9 To him , the " checks and balances " of Natural Selection were only some of the forces operating in what he saw as the evolution of spirit or mind through matter .
10 He lacked the apparent knowledge , or confidence in the political verities displayed by what he saw as the heavyweight end of the editorial group , and friction occasionally surfaced .
11 He had difficulty in persuading colleagues of what he saw as the benefits of the method :
12 The poet did not share this sense , he actively disliked it , but he could not escape — not even in Europe — from what he saw as the balefulness of that inheritance .
13 In Chile , Pablo Neruda was an established poet with a continent-wide reputation before his conversion to Communism under the impact of the Spanish Civil War — particularly the murder of García Lorca , whom he saw as the bearer of the spirit of Republican Spain .
14 His elitist paternalism underlay laws which instituted strict political and social controls for what he saw as the country 's politically immature population .
15 We are , he observed , only too willing to make this sort of leap , and not only in the field of theology ( Hume was also very critical of what he saw as the pretensions of the science of his day to uncover the ‘ hidden springs ’ of things ) , but we need to be much more modest and cautious , to realise how limited the scope of our experience and knowledge is , and how liable our minds to go astray when they over-reach themselves and fish in waters too deep for their lines to plumb .
16 His aims included rectifying what he saw as the lack of information on derived publications , and on the time differences between thesis completion and publication .
17 Lévi-Strauss had already described the fundamental structure of society and language in terms of the exchange of women , which he saw as the basis of all exchange :
18 While he continued to raise the spectre of a return to German hegemony , his new policy ( voiced for the first time at Bordeaux in September 1949 ) revolved around a Franco-German entente , which he saw as the basis for a European confederation .
19 His policies were empirical , dictated by what he saw as the necessities of the immediate situation .
20 Mrs Jule Evans said she was devastated by the affair , she thinks her husband was mesmerised by the athlete , who he saw as the woman of his dreams .
21 The discontinuity with religion which he saw as the dilemma of modern art he takes for granted , and even a cursory knowledge of twentieth-century art confirms this .
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