Example sentences of "he see [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It had indeed been , as it happened , impossible for him to see her at the times she suggested .
2 Let him see her as the successful career-woman she was .
3 Only if he really craned his neck sideways could he see anything of the front bedroom windows and then not enough to make the effort worthwhile .
4 How could he see it in the dark ?
5 He sees himself as the man to even out inequalities and re-impose Buddhist order .
6 He sees himself as the successor both to the Assyrian and Babylonian monarchies , conquerors of the Middle East , and to Saladin , who became leader of a vast Syro-Palestino-Egyptian Empire , and gained a prodigious reputation for avenging Islam when he recaptured Jerusalem from the Frankish crusaders in 1187 .
7 All day he sees himself in the glass darkly
8 If I continue then with some introductory remarks erm on policy H one a and one A , perhaps that would set the scene er for the discussion , then Mr will very briefly erm look at the differences as he sees them between the two sets erm of projections .
9 Part of the time he sees them in the familiar way as creatures who lack rationality to at least some degree .
10 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
11 Economically , he sees it as the difference between the hare and the tortoise : the free market model with its exciting instability , its romantic success stories , its idealistic zeal ; the social market with its patient , unspectacular , benign growth , and its cultural cohesion .
12 Frankie calls it as he sees it about the moral and social decay of contemporary Britain without ever sounding like someone whose grasp of the issues extends no further than memorizing a snappy slogan .
13 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
14 For several minutes he saw nothing in the shimmering haze of the plain .
15 At the inquest into his death and those he killed the sergeant said he saw nothing in the dead officer to make him question his state of mind .
16 It is evident that Ricardou had established a new doxa of reflexivity from which no deviations could be permitted , such was the extent to which he saw himself as the custodian of a radical modernity .
17 Paros had been a failure ; but Miltiades ' son Kimon pursued a similar line in the 470s and 460s , showing that he saw himself as the heir to his father 's policies as well as his debts ( for which see Plut .
18 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
19 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
20 Franco , however , would not delegate because he saw himself as the only person capable of carrying out the mission of maintaining a united Spain .
21 Innocent had not controlled French aspirations but he had made it clear that he saw himself as the arbiter of Europe and John 's cession of his kingdom in 1213 considerably strengthened the pope 's hand .
22 He saw them to the door but when they rode past a minute later , it was already shut .
23 It was not the case that he neglected domestic issues — least of all in the period 1963 – 65 — but rather that he saw them within the larger framework of France 's relations with the world .
24 Dazedly he saw them by the sagging chaise-longue .
25 Doubtless they describe the hard life of the villager and the poverty of his surroundings as Crabbe saw them : but he was not a peasant , as Clare was , and he saw them from the outside as harsh , ugly and wretched .
26 It was Cannistraro and his colleagues who also identified the mysterious Libyan who bought the clothes in Malta to wrap around the bomb , based on a photofit picture produced by the FBI from the shopkeeper 's phenomenally detailed description of his customer ten months after he saw him for the first and only time .
27 No I know Chris told me cos he saw him on the morning at the garage then he .
28 We reached the Bedford Square House and he saw me up the steps .
29 He saw me up the steps and then bounded down them and drove away .
30 He saw me for the first time .
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