Example sentences of "he see [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
2 Norman Lamont joins IBM as chief financial officer , says he sees glimmers of green among the brown shoots of economic winter .
3 Whereas he sees order in things , does n't he ?
4 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Datapoint Corp says that the decline in revenue as of January 30 was down mainly to unfavourable foreign currency translations and an interruption of the French subsidiary 's operations following a fire in its leased warehouse — but there are some bulls of the shares around these days : analyst Howard Harlow of New York 's Whale Securities sees a major turnaround and a doubling in value of the shares over the next 12 months ; he sees earnings of $0.60 a share in 1993 followed by $1.20 a share in 1994 .
5 Against those iconoclasts who would rid life of all images in the name of religion , he sees repudiation of art as acceptable for the extreme ascetic , but , if universally applied , as starving the spiritual soil of nourishment .
6 Freud questions any easy ( or utopian ) idea or ideal of the unity of the self , he questions the idea that self-knowledge could ever be a matter of simple introspection , and he sees issues about desire and fantasy as central to subjectivity .
7 He saw Elliott at Hartlepool Indoor Bowls Centre a couple of months back , playing for one of the Sunderland teams : rudely awoken , his memory turns to other footballers who were dab hands at bowls .
8 He saw service in Scotland in 1300–1 , and was celebrated by the anonymous author of the heraldic Song of Caerlaverock ( 1300 ) .
9 He saw service in France , the Middle East and England as a captain in the Signals Service of the Royal Engineers , and learned his future trade well .
10 Furthermore , he saw incompatibility in Britain spending large sums on atomic weapons whilst accepting Marshall Aid .
11 But Sir Edmond had survived and , surrounded by change , he saw continuity in God and in His Church .
12 Time passed and the afternoon light began to fade and Creggan was just beginning to think that he might go back to the carrion he had found before the incoming tide took it , when he saw movement from shadows far below , and the opening of great wings .
13 A hotel porter said he saw people on fire running from the block .
14 A hotel porter said he saw people on fire running from the block .
15 When he did , he saw rows upon rows of dismal huts ; and then a little further , gangs of men walking , walking and falling and still walking .
16 More and more , he saw importance in experience .
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