Example sentences of "he come from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our Stella says the lad who butted him comes from a well-to-do family . ’
2 Even the opening report of him comes from an unusual source — his own vivid memory of how he learned to walk .
3 He came from a respectable family .
4 He came from a good home , was well educated and had every advantage .
5 He came from a good , supportive family and had never been in trouble before .
6 This may in part have been a political move , for if he was the son of Ealdorman Æthelmær of Wessex , as is usually assumed , he came from a major West Saxon family , and had a brother , Æthelweard , executed by Cnut in 1017 and a brother-in-law ( another Æthelweard ) banished in 1020 .
7 Like them he came from a rural family , right outside the westernised professional class .
8 He came from a cricketing family — his father was a leading fast bowler in Antigua — and his great talent was evident very early on , so that he was already popular with the fans as a youngster .
9 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
10 He came from a long-lived line and was himself in rude health .
11 He came from a rich family and was very good-looking .
12 He came from a small force , Plymouth , and did n't realize that big forces were totally different .
13 He came from a prosperous or at least commercially successful Lincolnshire family which emigrated to Massachusetts in 1633 and 1634 .
14 He came from a loveless home , where the emotions were sterilized to avoid infection .
15 Banging the table , he shouted ‘ order ’ , and continuing in English — to the amazement of members — he said he came from a noble family in Normandy and in Normandy , they were used to doing things in an orderly way .
16 The chairman was Jack Bennett , a former member of the CPNI ; he came from a Protestant background and had led a campaign in the late 1950s to get the CPNI to return to the pro-republican line of the Irish Communists in the 1930s .
17 He came from a military family — his father rose quite high in the Navy — so he was as undisciplined in his life as he could be .
18 He came from a Methodist home , made his ‘ supreme decision ’ at fourteen and became a Sunday School teacher , local preacher and eventually , in 1875 , a minister .
19 Like many German poets of his age , he came from a clerical family and was intended for the church .
20 He came from an ancient Corvedale family , branches of which were in the forefront of Shropshire life during the seventeenth century — Francis 's nephew was a Member for Wenlock in Charles I 's parliament .
21 Oh he came from an old , I think he came from a very old er , there was , there was a General , first world war , erm , well the last time I heard anything about Cake , well , he was , he 'd , he 'd left the Signals section , he was the when I left India , and the last time I heard anything about him , I read it in , in a paper in erm , when the troubles were on and he was brig brigadier in charge of an infantry brigade , about my age , well , a , probably a year or two older than me , cos he was a , yeah he was a lieutenant when I got out there a full lieutenant , so he must of been a captain .
22 He came from the far north and at the Highland games he used to array himself in kilt and sporran and throw cabers around like matchsticks .
23 In fact I knew nothing of his family life — only that he came from the poorest part of the town , a row of " yards " containing tumbledown cottages , some of them evacuated because of their condition .
24 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
25 to the inside in , working his way round it , he came from the outside and then he was coming in , you know .
26 Leonard Cheshire and I were pilot officers together in No 4 Group at the beginning of the war ; he came from the dreaming spires of Oxford and I had just been commissioned as a pilot officer after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot .
27 Silly-Willie met her in the hall , he came from the farthest door ; his step was as fast and light as his dancing .
28 Clever , witty and articulate , he came from the intellectual elite which McCarthy so effectively attacked as responsible for many of America 's problems .
29 As Dulé had never heard his mother tongue , he and his new companions could only surmise , from the similar flare of their nostrils , the high broad set of their shoulders on slender frames , and the deep oval plunge of their chins on thin , round necks , that he came from the same part of the hinterland of West Africa , was of the Iqbo people in his origins .
30 Much of his youth was spent in Clermont , a city where the latter had been bishop , and his mentor there was Avitus , whose name indicates that he came from the same family as Sidonius 's father-in-law .
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