Example sentences of "he go on [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 He goes on to give a splendid example of the thing he has in mind , when an old Muslim tribesman went on urging a drug-addicted English hippy to ‘ pray to Jesus the Messiah ’ , until he was converted and delivered .
2 Chanan has questioned the basic analysis of national needs employed by the DES , as we have already mentioned ; he goes on to propose a curriculum based on personal values .
3 He goes on to develop a theory of communicative action which focuses on the exchange of ideas and meanings in contrast to the exchange of goods .
4 I stopped listening as he went on to describe a naval ceremony .
5 He went on to name a sum that Henry thought very acceptable .
6 He went on to name a figure , and took Merrill 's silence as acceptance .
7 He went on to score a further 100 runs , shades indeed of the modern trend !
8 He went on to give a detailed account of the finances of the infirmary .
9 Greg 's first round 74 had not done any damage , though , and he went on to inflict a body-blow on the course , the rest of the field , and the title .
10 He went on to propose a Rainbow Curriculum — without actually reading it first — which tried to teach tolerance for all , but in the process had to discuss homosexuality with kids of eight .
11 He went on to propose a Rainbow Curriculum which tried to discuss homosexuality with kids of eight Parents are frustrated that schools have fancy ideas but do n't teach children to write or read
12 The incident did no harm to his career for he went on to become a peer and Lord President of the Council in the Marches .
13 He went on to become a senior captain with an international airline .
14 He went on to play a Dutch underground leader in The Conspirators ( 1944 ) and a gifted cuckolded cellist in Deception ( 1946 ) .
15 In 1317 he and Pembroke combined to restrain the most avaricious of the courtiers , Roger Damory [ q.v. ] , in order to placate the court 's leading opponent , Thomas , Earl of Lancaster [ q.v. ] ; and he went on to play a part in the negotiations with Lancaster which culminated in the treaty of Leake in 1318 .
16 He went on to play a starring role for Northern Ireland in that year 's World Cup , being voted the world 's No 1 keeper .
17 He went on to obtain a commission in the Regular Army , which involved sitting the final examination at Sandhurst , although he had not been a cadet .
18 He went on to develop a succession of life-saving sulfa drugs .
19 On retirement from the army he went on to have a succesful career in business .
20 He went on to deliver a strong warning about the dangers which the " ever strengthening isolationist mood in Russia " posed for the integrity of the Soviet Union , and also stressed that a new Russian CP should aim to " consolidate " the CPSU .
21 But with his ‘ eclectic and protean opportunism ’ , he went on to recommend a revenue tariff as a wage cut in disguise .
22 He went on to recommend a temporary suspension of TV services until these became more Zambian in content , then making a remark which — though a wild exaggeration — was not challenged by any other member , not even by the Minister .
23 His tank had been in an encounter with a German howitzer and he had been badly burnt , his face , hands and arms requiring extensive plastic surgery , although he went on to run a preparatory school in Sussex .
24 By the end of 1908 Picasso owned at least five tribal objects and he went on to amass a large collection , much of it of very doubtful quality , although after the war when his own work was commanding large prices he occasionally exchanged a painting for a choice piece .
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