Example sentences of "he at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
2 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
3 If reserved for his personal use , it might put him at a certain advantage over his employer .
4 He was talented enough and resourceful enough to survive it , although I think it almost devastated and destroyed him at a certain point .
5 ‘ Is all well ? ’ he asked when she joined him at a small table in a corner of the crowded bar .
6 He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level , and Father had a story of seeing him at a political meeting , which he was probably chairing , walking arm in arm with the Grand Old Man himself , both talking .
7 With his shorts flapping around his knees and his wispy , thinning hair he was almost a caricature of a footballer , but Wally could mesmerise his opposing full-back or swerve past him at a deceptive pace , before putting across an accurate , teasing centre .
8 Frank Cole of the Daily Telegraph wrote of Chapman : ‘ If you sat near him at a big match … you realized the intense earnestness of the man .
9 Next Wednesday , a score of television bigwigs will meet him at a special seminar at the Department of Trade and Industry , part of the D T I 's efforts to boost British exports .
10 There were the two gold and jewelled boxes Müller had sold him at a staggering profit , considering he had bought them from someone facing criminal charges , and desperate for cash .
11 Now that he 'd told her he wanted the club , Adam would probably expect her to keep him at a wary arm 's length .
12 They approached him at a steady pace as though unconcerned by his presence , but they went in single file , Allen with his hand lying lightly on the knife at his belt and Marian carrying her bow , strung , and with an arrow ready notched , lightly and inconspicuously in her left hand .
13 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
14 Could I have caught him at a bad moment , could he have mellowed , I could n't believe it .
15 I think you just caught him at a bad moment .
16 ‘ I know you and Niall did n't exactly get off to a good start , but if it 's any consolation you caught him at a bad time .
17 He gazed around him at the late afternoon sky .
18 Various witnesses , including shoppers and tramdrivers , gave varying accounts of witnessing Drew or somebody like him at the appropriate time of the murder .
19 In 1809 William Bullock moved to London and in 1812 George sold up and joined him at the Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly .
20 He all but bumped into the couple , but , just in time , he arrested his progress , drew back , seemed , for an instant , to seek for oxygen as if he had emerged from some physical deep of ocean , looked about him at the mundane world he had re-entered and then , with rapid dignity , collected himself .
21 Tuan Ti Fo turned , looking about him at the simple order of his room .
22 Moses , for instance , was a whimpering mass of inferiority as God began to commission him at the burning bush .
23 So you drop him at the actual hospital ?
24 ‘ Sit down , sit down , ’ said Owen hurriedly , looking around him at the crowded cafe .
25 He turned away , looking round him at the great nest of screens and machinery .
26 Looking about him at the great press of people , the escalator that was a river of people flowing on and on , the crowds that streamed down the stairs so that if a train was held up there would be room for no more to squeeze on to the platform , he wondered why a terrorist group had never thought of putting a bomb in the tube .
27 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
28 Jane met him at the front door .
29 Tight in his hand he held the silver coin that Dad had given him at the front door .
30 But there was the rub , for Ben had , according to many , the most explosive start ever in athletics ' history and being with him at the three-fifths point in the race was , apparently , beyond the powers of the sprinters gathered in the Stadio Olimpico on this hot August day , Lewis included .
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