Example sentences of "he go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was pointless him going right through the centre because he was incurring far too much damage and eventually he would be shot down .
2 Late that night both Millet and Throgmorton heard him going upstairs to the top of one of the towers of the chateau .
3 When we sat down for our sandwiches , I made him go away with the grisly thing , but we could still hear him crunching away behind a rock — first a crunch then a cough as he swallowed a feather , then another crunch then more coughs until he realised there was no future in it and came round for a sandwich .
4 if there 's a cat , he goes straight through the bushes and he 'll go straight through !
5 If the doctor is aware of the objection , then it would appear from Lord Goff 's judgment that the doctor may be liable if he goes ahead with the transfusion .
6 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
7 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
8 had her operation and that everything 's going well , and I 'm sure will take our best wishes to her , when er , he goes home after the meeting .
9 He goes across to the pay phone by the gents and makes a credit card call .
10 He went downstairs to the rumpus room and rummaged behind the tiny bar , and , after digging through a seemingly endless collection of empty pop bottles , came up with half a bottle of rye and some ginger ale .
11 He went instead to the City Press office , only to find that Catherine had been sent home .
12 When he could stand the silence no longer he went briskly into the other room .
13 He had led an exciting life in boxing circles before he went away to the war and he did not consider himself to lack nerve , but the plan the little shifty-eyed character was setting out made Billy want to get up and leave right away .
14 I laughed out loud when he went away with the supper-things .
15 Bless him , he went away with the promise of a full sitting when I 'd got my face back from the cleaners .
16 He went hastily towards the door ; he did n't want Martin to come into the room because then he might break down and say things about his mother that were best left unsaid .
17 In 1915 at Gallipoli Doughty-Wylie won a posthumous VC : at a critical moment in the landing he went ashore from the River Clyde , rallied the remnants of a battalion of the Hampshires , captured the heights above the beach , and there he was killed .
18 He was told he could suffer permanent damage to his vocal cords if he went ahead with the shows at Birmingham 's National Exhibition Centre .
19 He went slowly across the room past the bathroom he had just relinquished and found the door beyond that .
20 He went straight into the bedroom , to the wall where the painted Asiatic doll was perched on the sideboard .
21 I thought at first that he was merely taking an open-air path to his own bedroom , but he went straight past the open door at the end of his sleeping car , and straight on past the next car also .
22 he went straight through the fucking two of the two er telephone boxes .
23 When he got there he went straight to the bank .
24 He went straight to the practice putting green to cure a defect that has robbed him of a commanding lead .
25 He went straight to the nearest bar , where he remained until just after midnight .
26 That was in stark contrast to the previous year in the same competition when he went straight to the dressing-room after Widnes lost to Hull .
27 He went straight to the Passport Office and applied for another one-year renewal .
28 ‘ Well , Frank was there all night and then he went straight to the office but they sent him home at lunch-time .
29 He went straight to the bar in the Franz Joseph .
30 He went straight to the top — with a two-page letter to the Prime Minister .
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