Example sentences of "he go up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I saw him go up to the house- ’
2 You say you saw him go up to the house and take something ?
3 He goes up through the hoops along the narrow , she said the first day when all the others were standing there shaking at the narrow bath he was just over it and down and she said you 've never seen him
4 He goes up to the , he goes up to the bartender , he says excuse me , why is there a bear sitting over there ?
5 He goes up to the , he goes up to the bartender , he says excuse me , why is there a bear sitting over there ?
6 I saw him take a look at the boat-house first , then , when I suppose he saw you were n't home , he went up towards the house , and after a bit he came back with a bag , you know , like Santa Claus , slung over his shoulder .
7 I slipped in by the cemetery gate , as I left , and he went up through the trees to the path by which he had made his way to join me .
8 He went up through the wicket gate and into the cemetery , a quiet , surprisingly well-kept plot .
9 On the open road beyond he went up through the gears , racing a train on his left .
10 He went up on the left of me , sliced back in front of my car and dived at the inside of Niki from way too far back …
11 So anyway , I said to her the week before last when he went up on the Sunday , I said go up there and say to her
12 When I got there , the organ was playing the 100th psalm , and , when it was done , Mr Coleridge rose and gave out his text , ‘ And he went up into the mountain to pray , HIMSELF ALONE .
13 He went up into the roof space and replaced the ball valve in the tank .
14 The farmer did not reply for a moment , then he went up between the cows and gently rubbed Blossom 's forehead " Aye , this is the one , Jack . "
15 It 's very useful , because then it 's very easy when you write , ‘ He went up past the cinema and on to the church , and then he met so-and-so coming out of her house . ’
16 Faces turned , bodies gave way a little , and he went up to the Cross and took the crumpled sheet .
17 I had it in big letters — ‘ Father ’ Arrien ( the father in inverted commas ! ) will preach on the blasphemy of the Roman Mass on such and such an evening — and the priest of the town , he went up to the council and objected to this and said that Wylie 's a trouble maker .
18 Odd , that , Mike thought as he went up to the third floor in the rattling old lift .
19 He went up to the next floor , where uniformed footmen and maids were dispensing coffee and cakes , biscuits and ices .
20 He went up to the office , he said , ‘ I 've — ’ , he said , ‘ I 've seen the devil in Turnbull 's yard . ’
21 I thought he was wandering off , but he went up to the counter and asked for a coffee .
22 DOWN 1 Do one in for equal wages ( 6 ) 2 Sprint up with lace undone in typical family ( 7 ) 3 Request he received from the British Empire ? ( 5 ) 4 Concentrating so in form for plans ( 10 ) 5 Queen that is raised for the country ( 4 ) 6 Peg holds this original drier ( 4–5 ) 7 Solvent with less substance ? ( 7 ) 8 Relative amount needed to be filthy , he said ( 6 ) 13 High fashion involving exercise with English lords ( 3,7 ) 15 Common sense about riot disorder and love of ill fame ( 9 ) 17 He went up to the city which went with the flow ( 7 ) 18 Fail to keep appointment with his comedy ? ( 5–2 ) 19 Prevents injection of energy for champion of prevention ( 6 ) 20 Keep alien in bad weather ( 6 ) 23 Make ten to five when you do it ( 5 ) 24 Strike one for chastity which he went Up the second time
23 ‘ So you and he went up to the villa ?
24 He went up to the two detectives and coughed delicately .
25 Ben Sira praised the fathers of old and described the High Priest Simon son of Jochanan in his majestic appearance when he went up to the altar ( 50.11 ) .
26 While he went up to the bar to order , Ellie settled back in her seat , and , with a rather sad light in her eyes , watched him .
27 He went up to the driver of the van and asked him his business .
28 He went up to the Palestinian and shot him at close range , the army said .
29 Remember when he went up to the aeroplane , Jim only hate to haul him away and slap him once and he learned , he did n't go near an aeroplane any more
30 ‘ It could be inferred from the date of university graduation , provided of course , that he went up at the usual time . ’
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