Example sentences of "he have [been] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The new Hermitage director has worked there for nearly two years as assistant academic director under acting-director Vitaliy Suslov , but he has been connected with the museum almost all his life ; his father , Academician Boris Piotrovskiy ( 1908–90 ) , was on the staff at the Hermitage for more than half a century , and was its director for twenty-six years before his death en poste .
2 As a result he has been threatened with libel action and even physical violence .
3 Even he has been threatened with death .
4 He has been toying with various possibilities ( we suggested he could come to us & repeat the year at Oban High — a somewhat unlikely proposition , I admit ) but seems likely to plump for a 4-year course at Birmingham , leading to a BSc in Computer Engineering .
5 The news comes the day before Johan Egelstedt , 19 , leaves the family he has been staying with in Leicester to return to Sweden and resume his education .
6 When you tell Oreste that he has been blessed with a brother I beg you to remind him that he is his mother 's first-born and as such has pride of place in her heart .
7 Questions relating to an offence may not be put to a person after he has been charged with that offence , or informed that he may be prosecuted for it , unless they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to some other person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement , or where it is in the interests of justice that the person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed that he might be prosecuted .
8 If a man has lost his employment and his wife , he has been charged with drunk driving and his blood tests show damaged liver function , one hardly needs to ask questions on his alcohol consumption and the answers are unlikely to be fully truthful in any case .
9 KENNETH Clarke appears to have dropped out of the smart betting for the succession to Mrs T , no doubt because he has been landed with the mucky end of the Cabinet stick .
10 Since he started selling the devices Mr Tudor says he has been inundated with orders .
11 Merson does n't hide the fact that he has been struggling with his weight .
12 The first step in the proceedings taken by a defendant is now governed by Ords 12 and 13 and has two functions — to acknowledge that he has been served with the writ and to give the plaintiff notice that he intends to defend the proceedings .
13 A warrant may be issued for the arrest of any witness who fails to answer a witness summons provided the court is satisfied on oath that : ( i ) he is a material witness ; ( ii ) he has been served with the summons ; ( iii ) conduct money has been paid or tendered ; and ( iv ) there is no just cause for failure to attend ( MCA 1980 , s97(3) ) .
14 True , Romany King has not been at his most convincing so far this season , but he has been trained with the National very much in mind .
15 So , in Danger Rock , the practical knowledge of small ships and heavy seas belonging to the sailor known as Shelty is available to the apprentice of eighteen , Jim Naylor , who for his part rises to the challenge of danger ( when he and his fellow apprentices land on an uninhabited island off the Newfoundland coast after their ship has been holed by ice ) because he has been trained with command in mind .
16 He has been serving with St John Ambulance for six Flat fire : Firemen had to cut away floorboards and remove a hearth after fire escaped into the hearth in a flat above a shop in Friarage Street , Northallerton , on Thursday night .
17 With less reason he has been equated with the one-time dux Asclipius , who led Guntram 's men against Chilperic 's guards in Paris in 582 .
18 In truth , as he now knows , he has been fighting with a God intent on blessing for a reason hidden in his deep purposes of redemption .
19 I 've spoken to Gordon at length about this several times and he has been coping with it — but only with difficulty . ’
20 John lost an arm and a leg as a result of a motorcycle 12 years ago and he has been provided with a £200 electronic device , the size of a cigarette pack , that uses electric signals to relieve discomfort .
21 He has been seized with his fits three times in the space of seven days , ’ Coleridge wrote to Joseph Cottle on 15 March ; ‘ and just as I was in bed , last night , I was called up again — and from 12 o clock at night to five this morning he remained in one continued state of agoniz 'd Delirium . ’
22 But equally , he has been associated with calls for ‘ more and better ’ party and State supervision ( which , as Alec Nove points out , is at variance with more economic choice and responsibility ) .
23 Ever since Machiavelli wrote The Prince and The Discourses in the sixteenth century he has been associated with the ugly side of political activity .
24 ‘ Since 1973 he has been associated with the development of LASMO from a small UK independent to its position today as a substantial international oil and gas exploration and production company ’ .
25 He has been associated with the Clyde Yacht Club 's Association for a quarter of a century and headed the team which organized the nineteen seventy three Clyde and National Regatta , the largest event of its kind ever held on that famous stretch of water .
26 That Kevin is certainly growing into a fine young man , he has been working with his shirt off in this weather and you can see he is going to be just as much an athlete as his father was .
27 He has been working with Wigan Metropolitan Council 's industrial history officer , Mike Haddon .
28 He has been playing with it .
29 As the hon. Gentleman will know , the recent adjournment is to allow the provisional liquidator to formalise details of the compensation package that he has been negotiating with the Government of Abu Dhabi .
30 He seems in no hurry to start a family of his own and is shy about discussing beautiful Kristy , who he has been linked with romantically .
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