Example sentences of "he have [adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But his insistence that she leave everything to him had only served to strengthen her determination to be independent .
2 Perhaps he has just waited to see what was emerging and then stepped in quickly to take the initiative and carry forward the proposal which he has sensed is about to emerge .
3 But he was sickened by Ayrton Senna 's attack on Alain Prost , the French driver he has just signed to drive for him next season .
4 He has just offered to give me a good rogering .
5 The two notes referring to James Island suggest that he has just started to identify different species by their specific island localities .
6 A person is insolvent ( whether or not he is bankrupt ) ‘ if he has either ceased to pay his debts in the ordinary course of business or he can not pay his debts as they become due , ’ section 61(4) .
7 From the bench Bateman had said : ‘ I here beg leave , not merely in my own name but in the name of the whole bench , to require from Mr Ashton the name of the individual on whose statements he has thus presumed to impugn our magisterial conduct . ’
8 Having devoted most of his political life to touring constituencies and union branches , he has barely needed to campaign for the constituency section of the executive over the past two months .
9 It is another to ask whether he has even begun to succeed in his short-term struggle to stop the rot .
10 He has even begun to laugh and smile .
11 ‘ That 's because he has n't learned to pace himself or to sort out what 's important and what is n't .
12 But why not give him credit for a simple human weakness ; the attraction of eating a good dinner which he has n't had to cook ? ’
13 Ludlum 's so wealthy he has n't had to write anything for three years ! ’
14 He has n't managed to find a replacement for you , so is having to make do with temporary staff .
15 He has n't got to bath the kids and put them to bed .
16 So he gets twenty five pound for the for the night , and he has n't got to start until about nine o'clock anyway so erm that 's , that 's something for him to do , is n't it ?
17 In fact , he has completely failed to take into account this very important development . ’
18 Hodkinson 's defeat was only his second loss in 24 contests and he has since vowed to regain his title .
19 But Allison has gone further than just stating the theoretical arguments for the process , he has already begun to explore the actual practicalities of implementing assessment techniques with the aid of students in his department .
20 Will the Secretary of State confirm that he has already decided to refuse the trust application from the Royal Scottish National hospital at Larbert and to suspend the applications from Foresterhill and Ayrshire South hospitals , designating them as shadow trusts , whatever that means ?
21 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
22 He has also continued to write , producing one work of fiction , Haroun and the Sea of Stories , and a collection of essays and other pieces , Imaginary Homelands , which Michael Foot argued are fit to stand alongside some of the very best work in defence of the artist 's right to free expression .
23 He has also managed to win seven cups .
24 He has also failed to recognise that the Welsh people will have to pick up the bill for his spending policies .
25 Not only has Simkin been unable to produce evidence of a family history of this genetic developmental disorder , but he has also failed to satisfy the essential diagnostic criteria .
26 He has also had to counter allegations that he is dragging television down-market then listen to television pundits witter on about skirt lengths , sexual chemistry and the F-factor , under the guise of highbrow criticism .
27 That is the position from which he should be negotiating , but he has not started to do so yet .
28 He has not managed to destroy trust .
29 A party who wishes to appeal from an arbitration award will be able to do so only : ( 1 ) if he has not entered into an international contract where the right to appeal has been excluded ; or ( 2 ) if he has not agreed to exclude the right to appeal after the dispute has arisen ; or ( 3 ) if the subject-matter is admiralty , commodities or insurance ; or ( 4 ) if he is challenging a finding where there is a need to interpret certain standard form contracts ; or ( 5 ) if he is challenging a finding which is plainly and seriously wrong .
30 So far he has not tried to blame anyone else .
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