Example sentences of "he a [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Is it my fault if the King has spoilt his son and made him a laughing stock in Europe ?
2 When he reached twelve his father cut short his education and procured him a naval cadetship in March 1800 .
3 Keele University acknowledged Michael Akehurst 's position as one of the foremost international lawyers of his time by awarding him a personal chair in February 1989 .
4 Collinson had told John Bartram to consult this work in the library before sending him a personal copy in 1737 and two years later wrote to the American collector :
5 Fear of being ousted from Edward 's entourage by the king 's Poitevin half-brothers perhaps gave him a personal interest in the political upheaval of 1258 , which began with the half-brothers ' expulsion from England .
6 Yet Politics among Nations is the book which made him a major figure in the discipline and its message is as we have described it .
7 One wonderful story is that he decided against a career in mathematics when his teacher gave him a poor mark in an exam for answering a problem correctly but not using the method taught in class .
8 The magistrate gives him a three-week remand in custody .
9 To help publicise the launch of the airline , Branson had taken on the services of Tony Brainsby , a man whose hyperventilated style of press-arousal on behalf of such clients as Paul McCartney had made him a small legend in the pop world .
10 But that very willingness to apply himself , coupled with the great skill he has , still makes him a great player in my view .
11 He is chairman of the IAEA 's Nuclear Safety Advisory Group , which gives him a pivotal role in co-ordinating the safety policies of all countries that have nuclear installations .
12 Ahead of him a morose-looking man in a cardigan was sorting through slabs of meat in plastic containers .
13 Archie usually performed as a combative left-half for the Palace , but he was also occasionally drafted into the front line , to play as a makeshift centre-forward to most useful effect , because his considerable height gave him a distinct advantage in that department and he scored on his first two outings for us in the number nine shirt .
14 THE decision by Scotland 's Stephen McAllister 's to concentrate on rhythm and feel rather than technique brought him a rich dividend in the Balearic Open here yesterday .
15 Carlos Sainz 's victory for Toyota on the Rally of Portugal last week gives him a 13-point lead in the world championship .
16 Over coffee back at the office I tried to pull myself together and sell him a traded option in copper which would , as it turned out , have made him quite a lot of money .
17 A long-term , good investment would be to give him a separate building in which to tell the tale of twentieth-century art before the twentieth century is quite at an end .
18 His two Cabinet portfolios , which would make him the most powerful member of the government after the Prime Minister , were expected to give him a key role in the formulation of the country 's overall foreign policy .
19 She found him a new toothbrush in its unbroken wrap , and said , ‘ It 's a pity about Sir George .
20 The Amstrad PCW he bought for writing letters when handwriting became too difficult has given him a new interest in life .
21 Bolt Head , the gangster who financed and masterminded both the Robocranker project and the computer generated hologram , meets the Robocranker after his defeat and offers him a new body in return for operating one of his machines …
22 His attempt to murder her seemed to have given him a new strength in the relationship .
23 I recommend to him a good paragraph in ’ Raising the Standard ’ : ’ We propose that every LEA should be placed under a legal duty to maintain a local inspectorate of schools , separate from any team of advisers or advisory teachers . ’
24 He also agreed to talk to his father , who had helped him a good deal in the past .
25 And in return , no doubt , you gave him a good time in bed ! ’
26 Another story — the charming Silford Hall tells of a happy visit which a little boy once paid to a country mansion , and how the kind housekeeper showed him round the picture gallery , and gave him a lovely dinner in the servants ' hall ; Crabbe had himself been that humble little boy .
27 His self-promotional skills combined with his love of sport and the arts made him a popular choice in his new fields .
28 However , his innate charm and style , together with his availability for fashionable luncheon and dinner parties , made him a popular guest in London society in the Twenties .
29 Gave him a stiff sentence in a House of Correction to teach him better ways .
30 Yanto gave him a beautiful smile in return .
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