Example sentences of "he and [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was more than he could bear to see the stupidity around him and just suffer it in silence .
2 Yeah well you go round with him and just tell her through the letter box , do n't say anything .
3 What I hope to do is simply to share with you the life of Idigo and in experiences and to walk alongside him and also to help us reflectively to look and examine our own journey where are we with God ?
4 Dropping the bedding in her arms she held on to him and probably prevented him falling from the narrow landing down the stairway .
5 ‘ The fans up there do n't know him and probably think he 's a big centre forward who can just head a ball — but they 're wrong .
6 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
7 If we come in , you ought to be kind to him and not ask him to sacrifice his health by taking office . "
8 And the body of the Cid was prepared after this manner : first it was embalmed and anointed as the history hath already recounted , and the virtue of the balsam and myrrh was such that the flesh remained firm and fair , having its natural colour , and his countenance as it was wont to be , and the eyes open , and his long beard in order , so that there was not a man who would have thought him dead if he had seen him and not known it .
9 The hot sting of tears pricked painfully at her eyes as the agony of hating him and yet wanting him so desperately all at the same time overwhelmed her .
10 At last he saw him and ran to meet him and joyfully welcomed him .
11 The servants saw him and immediately thought he must be the same boy from last night .
12 Johnson questioned the clergyman closely — then , first disagreed with him and finally trumped him .
13 He ran to the open door to catch up with her when , suddenly , a man wearing a hood over his head pushed past him and nearly knocked him over .
14 His mother generally runs after him and eventually gets him to sit in front of the TV with a snack in his hand .
15 When Hoare had decided on resignation , Baldwin himself ( accompanied by Eden ) went to see him and amiably asked him how he felt .
16 When she looked at him closely , Jill felt sorry for him and rather wished she had n't spoken so pointedly .
17 She liked him and deeply respected him for that .
18 I will seek him and privily relieve him ; go you and maintain talk with the Duke , that my charity be not of him perceiv 'd ’ ( III.iii. 14ff . ) .
19 Dad got me to read aloud to him and then offered me a barley sugar .
20 seeing him and then seeing him on that
21 This culminated , in 1954 , with the episode which sent a delicious frisson around the English art Establishment and made Rothenstein 's popular reputation : going around the Diaghilev exhibition , he ran into Cooper , who started insulting him and then punched him .
22 If , and to my mind it 's a colossal if , if she managed to seduce him and then told him he was the father-to-be , and if he believed it , it would have been more his style to pack her off home to her parents and provide for her .
23 Instead , 18-year-old Lee 's parents had to drive from their Middlesbrough home to collect him and then take him to the town 's General Hospital , where the next day doctors gave him just six hours to live .
24 She 'd used him and then abandoned him , and yet still he 'd continued to protect her .
25 They were thought to have been used in the death of Inspector Drewitt , firstly to shoot him and then to batter him .
26 He used the whip on Gallagher , but Gallagher managed to take it away from him and then used it on him . ’
27 He shouted angrily in a voice that sounded American , but the hijacker hit him and then pushed him to the front of the plane with his machine gun .
28 He grabbed a protester by the neck , hauled him to his feet , shook him and then pushed him away .
29 She looks towards Herakles , right hand out , originally with a spear to direct him and perhaps lend him divine power as he thrusts with a crowbar to open a way for the Alpheus to flood the stables .
30 I never saw him again but to this day I wish I could take him to Ibrox and watch the Rangers with him and maybe buy him a half and half pint at one of the Govan pubs .
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