Example sentences of "he be look [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only in his more recent work The Power of the Center , published in 1988 , has he been looking from art to the resources offered by psychology .
2 In looking at people he is looking at profit potential and the attitudes and skills relating to that .
3 He is looking at services offered by the council and his drawings include the mobile bus which takes books to isolated farmhouses .
4 You could ask PH to introspect into the contents of his phenomenological awareness when he is looking at faces for as long as you liked , but there would be no insight that any recognition is occurring .
5 He is looking for companies worth between $1.5m and $8m , and the preferred fields , as well as library systems , are systems for construction companies , financial institutions , hotels , property management companies and manufacturing and distribution organisations .
6 ‘ And he is looking for drugs ? ’
7 He is looking for letters from potential puchasers of Loch Lomond , the troubled up-market golf and country club development of which he was appointed administrator in November 1990 .
8 Mr Gatoff says he is looking for offers in the region of £15m .
9 He indicates that he is looking for £150m.The defence division had appeared as a ‘ blot on our copy books ’ , he said — pre-tax profits at the business plunged to £1.5m from £13.2m , and turnover slipped to £425m from the £436.5m of a year ago .
10 He is looking for Mademoiselle Céline de Mont-Mercure . ’
11 He says that he 's looking for birds preening or doing something which makes a good composition .
12 And then you get lots of other unwelcome knocks on the door — one man who says he 's looking for number 11 , another who says he 's a taxi-driver who 's come to the wrong house — and he probably is but his timing is enough to make you rush about panicking and locking the place up like Fort Knox .
13 He 's looking for Goshawk Squadron .
14 Some feedback now Jeff said okay he 's done this course before and he 's looking for feedback to see the level of his competence at this point , but everybody er I 'm sure you will agree by the end of tomorrow will have got feedback .
15 He 's looking for goals , not trouble , though , and said : ‘ I think it 's going to a good , open game .
16 I do n't know if he 's looking for trouble and of course that er would undermine er what public er relations and everything and we do n't want that .
17 That 's one of the reasons why a removal man when he comes into the place does n't start with one room , upstairs shall we say , and f empty that room then empty another , because he 's looking for sizes and shapes that will fit .
18 He 's looking for ground land .
19 Thomson with the corner he 's looking for Whitlow but it was headed by Rozario Thomson can try again .
20 He 's looking at soups
21 You got a business partnership wan na protect one of their directors , one of their top producers , or whatever it may be , they can take a plan out , on the life of their employee so again marketing here , he 's looking at companies as well as individuals .
22 Gary 's great strength was an ability to get to a ball first in the penalty area , but if he received it at his feet 30 yards from goal he was looking for help , to lay it off and get into the penalty area .
23 He was looking for signs that people were not as they first appeared to be , and Charity seemed to be a case of history repeating itself .
24 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
25 I know he was looking for Nicola at one stage because he asked if I knew where she 'd gone .
26 On arrival , however , Mr Cristiani said he was looking for reconciliation and wanted a ceasefire in El Salvador .
27 On arrival , however , Mr Cristiani said he was looking for reconciliation and wanted a ceasefire in El Salvador .
28 He was looking for space in which to dump two sacks of garden fertiliser .
29 Finally he took me in to his office and said he was looking for Girls to work at the Winter Gardens , Blackpool .
30 They say he was looking for evidence of natura naturans ‘ all-creating nature ’ , rather than natura naturata , ‘ the made world ’ ; in certain seventeenth- and eighteenth-century writing of unimpeachable orthodoxy reference is made to anima mundi , a spirit pervading the world and supplying the continuing presence of God .
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