Example sentences of "he [was/were] the same man " in BNC.

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1 He had changed his name , of course , but it had been obvious to Fedorov that he was the same man he had disposed of in the Stadtpark three weeks before .
2 Everybody knew the blind fiddler and he had always his kilt on and But after a while , I do n't know , the next time he came round I mind he had trousers on and we did n't think he was the same man at all , no .
3 Marks had grown greyer , more hairy , more stringy in the years-since their last meeting but he was the same man , shrewd , cynical , and a cop to the bone .
4 It is not unlikely that he was the same man as Barates the Palmyrene whose wife Regina was buried at South Shields ; a Catuvellaunian by birth , she was at first his slave before he freed and married her .
5 If she remembered he was the same man whom her son had once employed , there was no way of telling from the awed reception she gave him .
6 She helped to produce a sketch of her assailant and as a result of its publication , another woman told police that he was the same man who had attacked her the day before .
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