Example sentences of "he [was/were] [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was staring at herself in the mirror in the curtained dressing-room , wondering what a certain gentleman might do and say if he were to see her in it , when she became aware of hushed voices in the salon outside .
2 Such a touching story , Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall — ’ and he spoke her name as though he were striking her with it ‘ — and all a lie .
3 Johnny 's words had left her feeling inadequate , as though he were presenting her with some enormous challenge which she did not feel equal to meet .
4 He was either out and had n't switched on the answering machine or he was tormenting her by ignoring the telephone .
5 She finished eating , hoping she could elude Roman and get to Dana 's hotel without him , but as soon as she put her cup down he was urging her to her feet .
6 When she looked back at Petion , she saw that he was watching her with a sympathetic expression .
7 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
8 He was watching her with a glint of amusement in those remarkable eyes .
9 His voice was low , and she glanced up and saw that he was watching her with a strange kind of intensity .
10 With a puzzled lift of her head she found he was watching her with a faraway expression in his eyes .
11 It was hard to conceal the sudden rush of nerves she felt when she saw the way he was watching her with that barely hidden amusement .
12 He was watching her with eyes that blazed , not with passion but with cold satisfaction .
13 He was watching her with a strange look on his face , half amusement , half something else , and she felt herself bristle .
14 That curious flicker was in his eyes again ; he was watching her with an intensity that was unnerving .
15 He was watching her with that same intensity she 'd seen in his face before , the one that made his eyes seem like dark sapphires .
16 He was watching her with such quiet intensity that , for just an instant , she felt as if there were no one else in the square but the two of them .
17 His lean and powerful body was relaxed in the black suit , long legs crossed towards her , chest turned towards her , and he was watching her with narrowed eyes , obviously rearranging his thoughts about her at a rate of knots .
18 He was watching her like a cat with a mouse .
19 It was hard to think while he was watching her like that , and even harder to follow the sudden switch in the conversation .
20 He paused , and Juliet felt he was watching her in the darkness .
21 He was swinging her into the sailboat , then , with a broad grin , leaping in beside her .
22 He was breaking her on his wheel of fire , forcing her with him to a high-point of surrender , then casting her away as if her touch were a contamination .
23 If he was to save her from a lifetime 's retreat from life and love he had to move her along the right road as quickly as he dared and as quickly as she would let him .
24 ‘ That 's only natural , ’ Harvey said , wondering why he was bringing her into it .
25 The colour left her skin , her pale face showing a deep fear at the way he was crushing her to his body , the whipcord strength of his arms and the determination of his roaming fingers giving her an idea of the violence with which he would take her .
26 Vainly she tried to pull away , but he was crushing her beneath his superior weight .
27 He was confusing her with Celeste , she thought impatiently .
28 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
29 He was transporting her to another world , and she responded to him with uninhibited abandon .
30 Suddenly , he was gathering her against him , as though he would lift her up into his arms and carry her off .
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