Example sentences of "he [is] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our friend here does not seem to appreciate that the world 's greatest detective is conducting a criminal investigation and that he is not to be thwarted .
2 Though still in Jacob 's grip , he is not to be ordered about .
3 He is not to be shut away in the workhouse .
4 He teaches that all thoughts , all concepts , all images must be buried beneath a cloud of forgetting , while our love divested of thought must rise toward God , hidden in a cloud of unknowing : ‘ He is not to be gotten or holden by thought but on'y by love . ’
5 ‘ Mr. H. is well known in public assistance circles , and the Ministry have issued a circular that he is not to be accorded any special treatment .
6 The novice teacher will require careful guidance through the option structure of the program with clear explanations and very limited demands in terms of making choices , if he is not to be distracted from the normal demands of teaching or even put off completely .
7 It is provided , however , that if a person has a right to place animals on unfenced land , he is not to be regarded as in breach of a duty of care by reason only of his placing them there , so long as the land is in an area where fencing is not customary or is common land or a town or village green .
8 During the war Grosvenor remained neutral ; he is not to be confused with his eldest son , Richard Grosvenor esquire , who played a prominent part in the royalist defence of Chester .
9 Even though he said all these things , he is not to be heard of during the final battle .
10 Mr. Bingley must also return their visit by visiting the Bennets , if he is not to be rude .
11 He is probably to be identified with the ‘ patrician ’ ( the term signifies an individual of very high standing indeed ) called Moll to whom King Eadberht and Archbishop Ecgberht gave the monasteries of Stonegrave and Coxwold in Yorkshire , seized by them from Moll 's brother , Abbot Forthred , for which action Pope Paul I reproved them .
12 For a second , I think it could be Lucker , but he is nowhere to be seen .
13 He is nowhere to be seen on the Thorsvoe , nor at Lyness in Hoy , site of an impressive collection of artefacts tracing Scapa Flow 's history as a naval base .
14 Anyway , he is surely to be congratulated on selling yards of Matthew Henry Bible commentaries to an earnest young Korean who knew little English !
15 He is now to be succeeded by a triumvirate of three former executive vice-presidents — Michael Mee as chairman and chief financial officer ; Donald Casey as co-president and chief development officer ; and Joseph Tucci , co-president and chief executive .
16 He is therefore to be hated and despised .
17 HAPPY Prince Andrew has a ball on the golf course … unaware that he is about to be at the centre of a new royal taping scandal .
18 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
19 ‘ If Devlin imagines he is calling you back , ’ he muttered as he passed Maggie , ‘ he is about to be corrected . ’
20 In recent years he has been closely associated with Hildegard Fritz-Denneville Fine Arts Ltd in Bond Street where his knowledge and connoisseurship are greatly valued and he is still to be found on weekdays in the gallery 's offices .
21 He is usually to be found in his pyjama bottoms , shaving , when she comes through the door .
22 Having been replaced as head of ITV 's sports committee by LWT 's controller of programmes , Greg Dyke , he is off to be chairman of TSL , an independent production company .
23 He 's not to be trusted .
24 Presumably he 's not to be soft-soaped by a glass of Amontillado . ’
25 He 's not to be trusted .
26 He was all over us last week , and now that he 's really needed , he 's nowhere to be found .
27 Today he 's nowhere to be found .
28 ‘ … shit-scared because he 's about to be blasted into particles even smaller and more radioactive than Ronald Reagan 's brain , goes to the loo ; by sheer coincidence the crap he does solidifies in the intense cold of outer space and the pursuing spaceship runs into it at about half the speed of light and is totally destroyed .
29 When he 's not zapping helmetted contestants in front of a TV camera , he 's usually to be found pumping iron in a gym somewhere .
30 ‘ But although he may seem quite well he 's still to be handled with care .
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