Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [to-vb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He knew that he ought to see a physician , but was unwilling to do so lest he be told that he was not , after all , cured of syphilis .
2 He ought to see a vet . ’
3 He ought to take a riding-whip to that wife of his and then bed her over and over again until she 's with child . "
4 Maybe he ought to have a shower or something .
5 If the hon. Gentleman is seriously concerned about unemployment — — he ought to have a word with his hon. Friends on the Select Committee who tried to cover up the consequences of his policy .
6 He ought to have a licence for eyelashes like that !
7 An obscure feeling that he ought to have a key to this house made him resentful .
8 He ought to have a feeling of reverence for the beautiful things his great-uncle had entrusted to him .
9 Charles thought he ought to show an interest in more mundane , soldierly matters .
10 Nothing would , nothing could go wrong today ; he ought to find a betting shop and put some money on a horse , he felt so lucky , so good , so in tune .
11 Mitchell and White ran themselves into the ground and Nicky Summerbee tried everything he could to get a goal .
12 Yeah oh he 's er what happened to him , right he used to like a drink when he were here .
13 Mr used to open up his dragons and start his steam engine and driving the organ , and he used to give an organ recital every wakes ' Sunday night for the cot fund .
14 He used to wear a Halloween mask to hide his birthmark when he played with his wee friends .
15 He went to er College , and he used to wear a mortar board , cos that 's the tassel hanging down , and this here thing .
16 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
17 He used to own a garage , that one with the big car showrooms on the High Street .
18 ‘ My father was an atheist , yet he used to mark a cross on the top of bread before cutting it .
19 The rabbits he used to put a snare down for , and erm if we were lucky we got one .
20 Local man Paul McAllister heard the screams and raced to the scene with a ladder which he used to reach a bedroom window .
21 He claimed he used to hold a tie round Murray 's arm as he injected himself .
22 They used to call him ‘ Stan the Man ’ at Hartsbourne where he used to do a bit of spare-time caddying .
23 He used to do a show for me sometimes .
24 But he was reserved , and he used to do a lot of thinking , especially on the golf course where he used to keep himself to himself .
25 He used to recount a parable of a clean spring and a stagnant pond .
26 Course he , he used to know a lot of them round there , because there was more houses at the top of than there is now and all round there you know .
27 He used to run a flower shop called Europlants Limited , at Hinders Yard , off Ermine Street .
28 The only people what did have a motor in that , at that particular time was the harbourmaster of Pinn Mill cos they always used to call er er er one bloke down there who used to moor the ships up at Bottoman 's Bay and er th th th he used to get a retainer from the Ipswich Dock Commission and all he w all he had to do was make sure that was clear of , for shipping , if there was a yacht in the way he 'd go and tell them to move and he was what the we used to call him Pinn Mill Harbourmaster .
29 He used to stay a lot with the Broughs at Balnamenoch that was further down the glen .
30 Half a crown And you used to come away with a big piece of flat brisket and if he 's got any sausage left , or bits a of pork pies , he used to shove a bit of that in .
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