Example sentences of "he [vb mod] have [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 He ought to have known that anyway . ’
2 Lord Denning has written that the whole of the English law of criminal negligence , and indeed the biggest change in civil law this century , derives from the commandment to love thy neighbour enunciated by Lord Atkins in 1932 , when he ruled that , even if a man can not love his neighbour , he must still refrain from harming him , and that in law his neighbour was anyone who was so closely and directly affected by his actions that he ought to have had that in mind when he acted .
3 He should have done that before instead of insisting on our groping our way up the Pan-Am Highway in darkness and bad visibility .
4 He should have done that in the first place , and I should have thought about what I was doing instead of just floating along with whatever he put to me .
5 Mr Lamont has stuck to his public spending target of £244.5 billion but he should have increased that .
6 It 's the I not , I mean he should have grouted that little bit and he should n't have put
7 John Morris , the board 's secretary , has already suggested to the World Boxing Council that , since Duran was inside the middleweight limit when he lost to Sugar Ray Leonard , he should have lost that title , even though the pair were fighting for the world super-middleweight championship .
8 He should have used that opportunity ; especially as new laws will anyway be needed before 1995 to implement European Community directives on investment services .
9 He is standing as he must have stood that afternoon on the shore of the Gulf of San Miguel , four-square and haughty , bucklered , helmeted , spurred , and looking out over the greatest ocean in the world .
10 Fernand wears his bleu de travail every day and he must have handled that rail umpteen times — the threads could have come from him .
11 I can well imagine how he must have looked that day , framed by the doorway of the vehicle , his dark , severe presence quite blotting out the effect of the gentle Hertfordshire scenery behind him .
12 He now sounded as though he were beginning a lecture and I thought he must have learned that intonation from his tutors .
13 He must have regretted that gift business . ’
14 I think he must have enjoyed that haddock .
15 He must have got that off the bolt .
16 Then I think : he 'll have worked that out as well , so he 'll expect me to go to the car .
17 I gathered that he 'd been around in some pretty exciting — oh , do you mean he might have made that up , too ?
18 So if some 500 million years ago , an astronaut , from some other planet passed near the earth , he could easily have noticed in the blue seas , a few new and mysterious turquoise shapes ; and from them he might have guessed that life on earth had really started .
19 Rufus wondered if he might have invented that part because he had so much to do with wombs in the course of his own daily life .
20 He did not flatter himself that he might have had that effect on her , but he did wonder what course their liaison would take .
21 Clare was the great exception , an articulate peasant , and he might have described that world for us in all its natural beauty and its deep associations for the human race — twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity — but he came almost too late for this kind of England .
22 He could have done that easily .
23 And I felt absolutely horrified , devastated to think that he could have done that sort of damage and just walked away he did n't even have to pay for the damage he 'd done .
24 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
25 I wished he could have seen that .
26 He could have developed that and it would have been tremendously useful to him .
27 It follows that if the buyer had paid he could have recovered that money .
28 I , he could have had that straight on the paper .
29 When he opens his mouth , a valve closes to prevent him swallowing when he 's underwater , and he could have ejected that medicine if he had wanted to . ’
30 Lukic made a couple of brave and decisve dives to feet ( I do n't think he 'd have done that last season )
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