Example sentences of "he [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She gave Charles the address , and looked so happy and excited when she asked the Stage Door Keeper to get her the Wimbledon number , that he quite forgave her for keeping him hanging about in the draughty passage outside his box .
2 He said : ‘ Edwards is the best support player in the game but it 's no use having him hanging about in the wings when the experience could be given to a younger player .
3 He stayed with us for a while in Salisbury early in 1921 and I can still hear him thumping away on the piano singing his favourite song ‘ Signora ’ in a not very tuneful voice .
4 He was very normal , you could see him walking down to the bank Monday to Friday , but he 's got this completely eccentric side to him . ’
5 He frightened train crews who saw him walking aimlessly on the railway tracks as if he were a real person .
6 In her mind 's eye , she could see him walking out of the velvet sea , the sunlight golden on his skin .
7 Spencer by now was n't very pleased , Elstree were n't very thrilled about him landing back on the runway either , and with the hydraulic fluid gone , there were no flaps either .
8 She did n't like the idea of him prowling around inside the house while she was working .
9 They left him looking up at the sky again .
10 I often saw him wandering about in the fields and lanes or fishing in quiet reaches of the river when he should have been in school .
11 ‘ Now I can see him going on to the next one , the way he is playing .
12 It was pointless him going right through the centre because he was incurring far too much damage and eventually he would be shot down .
13 Late that night both Millet and Throgmorton heard him going upstairs to the top of one of the towers of the chateau .
14 You stand on St Saviour 's Point to see him going out between the forts , the seabirds flocking after his boat , the ropes screaming in the sheaves as the sails are hoisted .
15 ‘ I do n't see him going back to the Council , ’ Dann said banteringly .
16 He moved away from the door , and she heard him clattering about inside the hut .
17 One morning , Santa found him lying down on the snow , staring at a dead flower with tears dropping off his little cheeks .
18 He could remember him complaining once in the café to William 's grandad .
19 I always see him riding about up the Steven there he 's always up there I know when I used to work for it was always Steve who used to be riding to this farm , riding to that farm , checking on this , checking on that and taking the wages round that sort of thing .
20 There was a tradition that the Kha-Khan not be required to turn his back upon his people , and so they carried him facing out across the crowd , and placed him directly in front of the seat of the reclining dragon which had been the throne of Tamujin , Ancestor of the Altun , the first Kha-Khan .
21 She could hear him moving about in the sitting room .
22 I turned in surprise to Neil , to see him pointing away from the bay towards where , in a cloud of spray , a powerful-looking launch was heading fast towards us .
23 After criticising Government policy since 1979 , when the Conservatives came to power , Mr Clarke said : ‘ For John Major to claim credit for Hoover jobs staying Scotland — thanks to him opting out of the Social Chapter and keeping wages down — is a disgraceful betrayal of the Scottish workforce .
24 She could just imagine him closing in for the kill .
25 The spoilt , black-haired girl sitting beside him staring out at the river .
26 He was a quadraplegic , confined to a wheelchair , but this did n't stop him travelling all over the world .
27 She heard him running lightly down the stairs , and breathed a long sigh of relief .
28 A moment later , between the nut-trees , they saw him running off into the field .
29 He was depressed — I saw him coming slowly up the lane , I heard the reluctance of his words to face the world .
30 Do you think there 's any chance of him coming back for the opening of — ? ’
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