Example sentences of "he [vb past] with the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The American conductor John Canarina also pointed out that in a performance he attended at Tanglewood in 1965 and in a recording he made with the Chicago Symphony , Munch made two cuts between figs. 110 and 128 ( in the Durand score ) .
2 Franz Xaver , only six months old when his father died , was later sent to study music in Prague , where he lived with the Dušeks .
3 He registered with the DSS and filled in all the forms .
4 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
5 After Angola he went to Nicaragua where he fought with the Sandanistas until the downfall of Somoza in I980 .
6 Although he trained with the England A team during the winter and felt optimistic , he was in pain again before he left for Portugal and looked on the tour as a ‘ make-or-break ’ exercise .
7 ‘ Nikolai Demidenko is recognised as being one of the most immensely gifted pianists of his generation … in 1985 he played with the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra to a packed Ulster Hall during the Belfast Festival at Queen 's .
8 He identified with the Barmen Declaration that : ‘ Jesus Christ is the one Word of God which we are required to hear … we repudiate the false teachings that the Church must recognize other teachings and other personalities alongside this one Word of God . ’
9 He was certainly talkative enough over the November weekend which he spent with the Crossmans in north Oxfordshire .
10 He served with the Fiji Military Forces in the Pacific during the Second World War , and held various ministerial posts before independence in 1970 .
11 Although Crosse went to sea as early as 1569 , he spent most of the years to 1584 in soldiering , at times in Ireland and in Scotland , where he served with the Regency forces and was wounded at the siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1573 .
12 During the war he served with the R.A.F. and before joining Douglas Reyburn he was involved with retail grocery business .
13 But for once he had planned to escape the worst excesses of the English winter , and at the beginning of 1950 he embarked with the Fabers on a six-week cruise to South Africa : two weeks getting there , two weeks on the beach at St James near Cape Town , and two weeks back .
14 He worked with the CNR , the Provisional Consultative Assembly , the political parties , and the resistance movements , but he continued to insist that he was accountable only to the French people , who would make their will known after liberation .
15 That experience proved useful when he worked with the Cipperfields organisation to help design , develop and construct a themed leisure facility in Jordan the first of its kind in the Middle East .
16 He went with the Dean of York and the Lord Mayor of York to interview the chairman of the University Grants Committee about setting one of the new universities in York and was glad , before he left York , to see the plea accepted .
17 At the age of ten , he performed with the Hallé Orchestra under Sir John Barbirolli .
18 In London he appeared with the Philharmonia , RPO and LSO ( with whom he recorded all the Dvorak symphonies ) , and he also worked with the Vienna Philharmonic , Cleveland Orchestra and Orchestre de Paris .
19 And he talks of the , and plainly in that erm sort of mystical experience that he had with the Whiteheads , he did in , as it were , come to realize for the first time that there was in himself this desire to lead a life erm inspired by love and guided by knowledge , and to see others leading it .
20 In his spare time he sat with the Bookman in the spots of sun on the shelves or hunted for Mould to ask him if he could borrow some of his tools .
21 However he remained with the Wellington unit only for a short time before being posted to Control Office duties at Luqa .
22 When he finally arrived in Calcutta he was not of course allowed to stay with us at the Sisters , which puzzled you children , but he stayed with the Oxford Mission Fathers and came over every day to see us , until a kindly businessman heard about us and took us along to his palatial house until we could decide what next to do .
23 When in London , he stayed with the Fabers ; the capital was being bombed each night through the last months of 1940 , but their house in Hampstead had the additional advantage of a reinforced basement shelter .
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