Example sentences of "he [vb past] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
2 Huss is remembered by a street named after him ( the Hussenstrasse ) and by his effigy on the house where he lived in the same street .
3 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
4 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
5 ‘ Are there servants in the house ? ’ he asked in the same low voice .
6 ‘ She 's dead too ? ’ he asked in the same cold , interrogative voice .
7 ‘ So how , then , do you propose we get to know each other ? ’ he asked in the same soft tone .
8 ‘ And did you have no electricity ? ’ he probed in the same soft , lilting voice .
9 Many years later , in the ‘ time of early love ’ , he wandered in the same area , which was now invested with ‘ youth 's golden gleam ’ ( see Elegiac Stanzas , p. 140 ) .
10 He seemed to get over it , but he behaved in the same alarming manner in court this morning .
11 Jolosa stormed : ‘ If he played in the same league that I do , he 'd end up in trouble too . ’
12 Where did he begin his career ? — with Banbury United , and he played in the same youth side as me .
13 At the end of the news conference Mr Levy was asked a question in Hebrew , to which he replied in the same language ; there was no translation , and Mr Hurd was forced to summon a member of the British Embassy staff to translate .
14 Then he resumed in the same imperious tone .
15 ‘ I wonder who you truly are ? ’ he queried in the same soft voice that proved that her thoughts had been correct .
16 It was with difficulty that Greg restrained himself from saying ‘ What ! ’ , but knowing that his colleague would assume that he was being told he was about to become an unmarried father , and spread it , he said in the same world-weary voice : ‘ That 's very interesting . ’
17 He said in the same low , intent voice : ‘ Is this what you expected of me , Harry ?
18 Near the close , Holding began to lay about him and was dropped off a skyer ; next morning he continued in the same vein to ensure his team a first innings lead , and ensure , too , that Bob Willis 's Test career would end on an unhappy note as it was he who took most of the stick .
19 as if it had never happened , he continued in the same tone : ‘ You are a foolish child , to come here with your toys . ’
20 ‘ So , back to work in two weeks or so and then where ? ’ he continued in the same quiet voice .
21 His whole body still , poised , his eyes still holding hers , he continued in the same soft voice .
22 ‘ Neither , ’ he continued in the same gentle tone of voice , ‘ am I prepared to be cast as some Viking lover straight out of a Hollywood film , rampaging and raping so that you can put the full responsibilities of your actions on me .
23 He phrased it as a question , but she did n't bother dignifying it with an answer , and he continued in the same grating tone .
24 Following their divorce in 1945 , he married in the same year Marjorie , widow of Lieutenant George Ambler Thomas and daughter of Harry George Sadler , clerical officer in the Ministry of Pensions ; she had one daughter from her previous marriage .
25 Following their divorce in 1953 , he married in the same year Sheila Jane Yorke , daughter of Arthur Yorke Hardy , mining engineer , of Harrow .
26 Following their divorce in 1951 he married in the same year Margaret , daughter of Dr Michael John O'Kane , general practitioner , of Cushendall .
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