Example sentences of "he [vb past] her [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He led her into one of his work alcoves where a hi-res VDR was set up .
2 He led her into another room , and there listened , with a good deal of amazement , to Rose 's account of her extraordinary conversation with Nancy .
3 He led her up some stairs to a steel gallery from which he said they would get a bird's-eye-view of the operation .
4 He invited her into one of his lesser parlours .
5 He regarded her with ironic eyes , his lips a little pursed .
6 He regarded her with lazy , sleepy eyes and said :
7 He regarded her with total disbelief .
8 While he regarded her with evident interest , she searched her mind .
9 He regarded her with calculated interest .
10 He regarded her with undisguised affection .
11 He caught her in two strides and his expression was neither analytical nor taunting .
12 Christine fought for her balance as he grasped her with hooked fingers .
13 She went off with a GI during the war and he divorced her in nineteen forty-six . ’
14 Without being aware of it , he punished her for this deeply felt bodily rejection in bed by withdrawing his body out of bed .
15 He entered her without further ado .
16 HE WOOED her with skew-whiff quotes from Shakespeare , pranced about in Chelsea football kit — minus the shorts — then bedded her on a futon with all the stamina of an 18-year-old .
17 ‘ It 's the heavens rejoicing , ’ he told her with firm surety .
18 Awfully cold , ’ he told her with malicious pleasure .
19 ‘ That 's what one does to necks , ’ he told her with mock menace .
20 He surveyed her through narrowed eyes .
21 He studied her with hooded blue eyes .
22 He studied her with narrowed eyes , then brushed a cool palm across her forehead to smooth the frown imprinted there .
23 He studied her with narrowed eyes .
24 He studied her with glittering eyes , his face darkly flushed .
25 He studied her with those incredibly gorgeous blue eyes , filled with charm and love , darkness and intelligence , sex appeal and strength .
26 He studied her for several seconds , as if baffled .
27 He flicked the white silk bow undone , his fingers running through it , inciting shivers of heat to flood her skin as he studied her through those hooded lids , and deliberately stroked one long finger down the nape of her neck and lowered his blue eyes to watch her nipples erect in fierce , unwanted response .
28 But Rochester did er did er , when he was trying to rebuke himself for committing what was bigamy , and the works , he said , when he compared his own wife , who was really a mental animal because she very bestial the way she bit people , and then , he compared her with this sweet , dewy-eyed Jane , he did give a reason did n't he ?
29 ‘ You are looking at a genuinely reformed character , ’ he assured her with soft intensity , his gaze darkening as his eyes roved hungrily over her flushed cheeks , then down to the open neck of her checked blouse where her breasts were crushed against his chest .
30 And then his mouth fell to hers and he consumed her with hungry possession .
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