Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , when he checked back on the correlation between his simple lix values and the criterion of pooled estimates of difficulty , he found that the figure was 0.92 , which was exactly the same as that obtained from the multiple regression .
2 Branch manager Richard Fairhurst took a back seat for the day , as he rode along on the back of a tandem .
3 We went swimming with Jonathan the other night and he got up on the top board and sort of and he was sort of like hanging on to the bar like this looking over
4 I was milking my goats in the field , and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot .
5 Even when he was small , out hunting , and broke his arm , could n't wait until he got back on the horse , used his stock for a sling and rode home . ’
6 ‘ So you 've been up the barrow , ’ Jos said out of the blue , as he lined up on the final double .
7 He drew up on the other side of the tall white gates and fished in his grey sack .
8 Again and again he bore down on the Annamese woman and as his movements quickened he kept his gaze fixed challengingly on Flavia Sherman 's face .
9 To steady himself he sank down on the side of the bed .
10 It caught him full in the middle of his back , throwing him into the air before he crashed down on the cobbles .
11 With a meekness that made her feel mean , he knelt down on the floor and started to gather his cuttings together .
12 He knelt down on the sheet .
13 He messed about on the calculator .
14 He flailed around on the snow .
15 He came up on the other side shaking dirt from his fine white feathers .
16 Old Hewlett-Packard Co hands say that back in their day Lew Platt never looked to be a contender for the presidency : they are gratified to see him elevated since he came up on the Unix side and wonder how much should be read into that .
17 But anyway , he came up on the Monday er sorry , on the Friday when they was paying out , he said , Which chappie paid you ?
18 He came up on the train for a few days , very nervous , wearing his best suit .
19 But my father went to America just after the war , and when he came back on the Queen Mary , he brought my mother some nylons , which were not obtainable in Britain at that time .
20 Well erm he came back on the twenty fourth , no , never mind that we we 've been to-ing and fro-ing have Asian Associates and I and
21 Seve Ballesteros , who had shared the overnight lead on 67 , was making no further progress and was still five under par as he came in on the closing holes .
22 He came in on the Tube as usual , and walked the last quarter-mile .
23 Yeah , cos we was there in the August , they were n't , we moved in , in the July , there , and the girls were , Matthew was just four , cos just as we moved in our dad took Matthew to Hungary with him , it was like , it was like they were going on the following Wednesday , and he told me on the Friday , he came in on the Friday night , they planned , it was our dad , Crystal and Danielle , Crystal and Danielle , but she said even if I go out in the middle of .
24 He decided to leave them to it , and as he came out on the landing he almost collided with Beryl who must have been eavesdropping .
25 It sounded like a question , but he had no intention of waiting for her answer , as he dropped down on the bed beside her , lacing his fingers through her lustrous brunette tresses , controlling the movement of her head so she could not escape the seductive power of his mouth as he took her unwilling lips with practised artistry .
26 The hot shine must have cut to black as he was soft-footing it up the stairs , because when he turned around on the half-landing and crouched behind the angle of the banister the only light in the hall was the inward spill from the porch , and that was getting less as the door slowly closed on its hydraulic arm .
27 The phone kept ringing and no one there , and then he turned up on the doorstep .
28 It must have been quite a shock when he turned up on the doorstep . ’
29 He turned over on the ground , and put his hand to his cock and squeezed himself .
30 Galliéni , who was senior to Joffre , had been offered the supreme command , a post he turned down on the grounds that all his experience had been as a colonial soldier and administrator .
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