Example sentences of "he [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your father 'e 'ad listened to the nurse and called for the doctor and not for the priest — puh ! ’
2 My father related that , when he was in the panel advising the consul Ducenius Varus , his own view prevailed , when Otacilius Catulus had instituted his daughter sole heir , left a legacy of two hundred to a freedman , and requested that he should make that over to his concubine ; and then the freedman had predeceased the testator , and the legacy to him had remained with the daughter ; that the daughter should be compelled to make over the trust to the concubine .
3 Agnes smiled at the old warrior , and then at Husband : by now , her anger at him had distilled to the warming spirit of pure hatred .
4 For on that Saturday Mr Pozsgay organised a radio interview to tell the world that a party committee working under him had come to the conclusion that 1956 had been a popular uprising , thus ensuring that the terms of reference in Hungarian politics would never be the same again .
5 The boldness of her eyes when she had greeted him had spoken of no social fear .
6 In the town of Newton Stewart , not too far from Annan , a solicitor , Giles Davies , lost £1.8 million from his clients ' accounts because he became embroiled in a similar deal .
7 If he was a difficult friend , he could also be a loyal one — the most notable example , of course , is that of Ezra Pound whom he continued to support and defend even though it meant that he became embroiled in the kind of public controversy which he detested .
8 With Jenny Blyth nowhere to be found — vindictive press reports claiming that the marriage of the decade was on the rocks — he became embroiled in an unseemly dispute with his own club .
9 He became absorbed in the task , grumbling at the stiffness of the holding screws .
10 He became involved at a much more personal level , playing cricket at Horton .
11 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates , generally regarded as the wealthiest person in the US , is no longer the country 's most eligible bachelor — he became engaged over the weekend to 28- year-old Melinda French , a Dallas-born product manager at Microsoft who joined Microsoft in 1987 and is now product manager for the Microsoft Publisher desktop publishing programme .
12 Next , making the grand tour to Rome , he became inspired by the landscapes of Claude Lorraine , Nicolas Poussin , and Salvator Rosa .
13 It is typical of Richard that he accepted the task with alacrity and succeeded with such brilliance that almost overnight he became recognized as a famous warrior .
14 In his most recent book , The Essene Odyssey , he describes how , after reading our book in 1982 , he became intrigued by the mysterious principle allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar under the name of ‘ Baphomet ’ .
15 In The German Ideology Marx had used Tacitus as his source for tribal German society , but by the time of Formen he became influenced by the nationalist and romantic nineteenth-century tradition of German historiography , a tradition which was to influence him even more later on , and which was to have a dramatic and harmful effect on Engels .
16 Though lithographs by Minton are few in number , he became fascinated by the medium , and on 24 November 1948 took part in a Third Programme broadcast on the subject , timed to coincide with the Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition , ‘ 150 Years of Lithography ’ .
17 Glass had his first contact with non-Western music in Morocco where he became fascinated by the geometric repetitions of Islamic art .
18 Nuttall 's happening did n't go as expected , when he became jammed in the bath in which he had placed himself , and Latham fainted while trying to drag him out .
19 When Paul was encouraged at Corinth by the fellowship of Priscilla and Aquila we read that he became gripped by the Word ( 18:5 ) .
20 He became impressed with the superiority of the French and Belgian kite-balloons over his own spherical type , reported accordingly to the Admiralty , and was promptly recalled to initiate kite-balloon training at Roehampton in March 1915 .
21 With Wilfred Rhodes [ q.v. ] ever-present in the Yorkshire XI , Verity played league cricket for Rawdon , Accrington , and Middleton before he became established in the Yorkshire team in 1930 .
22 Here , and again in London as resident scenic artist for the Grand Opera Syndicate at Covent Garden , he became frustrated by the conservatism of management with regard to production and scenery , and returned to America after the outbreak of war in 1914 , having been rejected for military service because of deafness .
23 As a member of the wealthy middle class , Darwin had a social position that he might well forfeit if he became identified with the supposedly atheistical concept of transmutation .
24 His friend Max Jacob was just about to be received into the Catholic church when he became entangled in the affairs of Modi and Beatrice .
25 The start of the last play was delayed as ‘ Jesus ’ had elected to travel in his own car rather than on the lorry , and he became entangled in the mysteries of the town 's traffic system .
26 Later he became associated with a Christian denomination known as the Collegiants .
27 Through Colquhoun and MacBryde , who were receiving patronage from two sisters who lived in Lewes , Mrs Frances Byng Stamper and Caroline Byng Lucas , he became associated with the Society of London Painters-Printers which set up in 1948 , in conjunction with the Redfern Gallery .
28 Yet Walker also knew that railways were no longer omnipotent ; he became associated with the Great Western Railway in running a coach service to the west and acquired for his company a financial interest in Imperial Airways .
29 At court he became associated with the faction led by George Digby , second Earl of Bristol , and Henry Bennett , first Earl of Arlington [ qq.v. ] , and friendly with the king 's mistress , Barbara Villiers , Countess of Castlemaine [ q.v . ] .
30 Reid 's star began to rise with a vengeance last year when he became associated with the stable of Peter Chapple-Hyam who provided him with the horse every jockey wants to have — a Derby winner .
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