Example sentences of "he [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't seen her , but the closeness of him moved her to flight .
2 The sight of her legs as they stretched forward to keep up with him lifted him with exultation .
3 He made it without difficulty on to his raft , swinging it round to join the group he had noticed dropping away to his left ; and was overturned by a breaking wave .
4 Qualified privilege may be claimed if the member of the council making the statement about a person can show that he made it without malice and in pursuit of a public duty .
5 He made it to grammar school in Woking , leaving at sixteen with enough O-levels to get a traineeship on the local Surrey Advertiser .
6 I wondered if Charlie really knew this , felt this , or whether his life as he lived it from day to day was as fucked-up and perplexed as everyone else 's .
7 When he entertained them to dinner , they travelled to his apartment at Buckingham Palace , not the other way around .
8 Jotan slid his borrowed sword out of its sheath , and he laid it with precision against the dwarfs throat .
9 He hugged me in consent .
10 It was fear that locked his tongue , but mercifully he mistook it for pride , so its bitterness did not poison him .
11 When he sold him to Villa for £450,000 in 1988 , Ferguson made no secret of the fact that he was delighted to see him go .
12 By the time he sold it at auction ( Sotheby 's , New York , May 1989 ) it had given him a real net annual rate of return of just under 20 per cent , after allowing for commission , insurance and inflation .
13 In his case , not only did the uncovered secret last but he sold it to Life magazine for what was in 1955 the veritable king 's ransom of $25,000 .
14 He scanned them in silence .
15 He requested her to parcel up most carefully in an oiled cloth his other gun and have it sent to him .
16 He met me after school and accompanied me to the newly opened branch of Smith 's in Churchill Square .
17 He pierced her without prologue .
18 It was n't until the launch had vanished around the tip of Vittoriosa , and the soaring golden bulk of Fort St Angelo , that she realised he had n't told her what time he expected her at Casa Sciorto tomorrow evening .
19 Perhaps he expected her to curtsy .
20 As he applied it to Putt 's body the sickening stench of burning flesh rose into the air and one of the gipsy men uttered a faint sound of revulsion .
21 Kit knelt in front of Ariel and cried ; he asked her for forgiveness .
22 Yet he had photographs of her in every jacket pocket , and they fell out of books at the wrong time and upset Eva ; and when he asked me about Mum , Dad and I had to go into another room , away from Eva , as if we were discussing something disgraceful .
23 Accordingly , he asked me to lunch , and we went to the Russell Hotel , which was conveniently near his office .
24 He asked me to caddie for him for the rest of the year .
25 And always , every day , he asked me for money .
26 I can not recall an occasion when he asked me for help before .
27 He asked me in front of a niece and her husband .
28 He asked me in German what I had come for but I said ; untruthfully , ‘ Nicht verstehen . ’
29 Yes , Joe must have been desperately lonely at that time , because he asked us to dinner the following evening at Chez Victor 's , one of his favourite restaurants .
30 He asked you for life , and you gave it to him —
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