Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to remind him that 's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I 'd placed in the pulpit .
2 However hopeless things were he was rejoicing because of Benedicta 's words which he hugged to himself as if they were precious jewels .
3 He read to himself for a few minutes while William perused the review section , but his agitation could not long be contained in silence .
4 Throughout his life the author loved and drew inspiration from the whole region , from Smailholm to ‘ Scott 's View ’ above the river Tweed and the house he built for himself at Abbotsford .
5 His prosperity is shown by the ‘ magnificent dwelling house ’ which he built for himself on the north Thames frontage immediately to the east of the Fleet canal .
6 But at the age of forty he was at last beginning to wonder whether the image he created for himself in his twenties could stay with him for ever .
7 He created around himself at Hamilton Terrace a kind of family and it was this aspect of his life that allowed Susan Einzig to conceive of herself as a mother figure .
8 He referred to himself as le prisonnier .
9 He referred to himself as a Glasgow businessman .
10 He said he talked to himself in prison to keep himself sane , but if you told him he was still doing it he would n't believe you . ’
11 He thought of himself as a latecomer .
12 Mackay did not return to Scotland after 1885 and there is little evidence that he thought of himself as a Scot , except in a very conventional , stereotypical way .
13 He thought of himself as a bungler .
14 He thought of himself as a great collector — I believe there were great collections of Chinese porcelain made by Victorian and Edwardian connoisseurs , but he was pretty small fry , just being fashionable . "
15 He thought of himself as a responsible and dependable person .
16 He looked at himself in his mind 's eye , squared his shoulders and carried on down the stairs .
17 In the early evening of the next day he dressed himself in his best suit and wore a clean shirt and a razor tight collar ; he looked at himself in the mirror , yes , he looked good , almost handsome , one must die with dignity .
18 I 'm meant to be fighting the Germans , not going to a wedding , he said out loud , as he looked at himself in the cracked mirror above the washbasin .
19 He stared at himself in the mirror as they measured him .
20 He smiled to himself at the head of the stairs .
21 He had seen the look of greed on Bull O'Malley 's face and he smiled to himself in the dark .
22 He smiled at himself in one of Karen 's mirrors .
23 . I asked him what he did with himself in Marseilles all day long ?
24 When he spoke of himself with evident authority as ‘ the senior Vietnam veteran on active duty ’ you could read the subtext as if it was in neon : if I am prepared to give my commander-in-chief unquestioned respect , so should you .
25 He spoke of himself as a hapless , hopeless , helpless male , seven years in thrall to an unknowing , uncaring , unattainable She .
26 General Robert Scott is still alive and has sent Dick a hand written description of his first aircraft on the back of a photograph he had of himself with his P-40 .
27 He sounded to himself like some tendentious student with balloon words coming out of his mouth .
28 Presently , as he sat by himself in a remote corner of the banqueting hall , he noticed on the wall beside him an ascending column of white ants ; as they reached the ceiling they spread their wings and slowly drifted down in a delicate living veil .
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