Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He rather took to Bunny , but it was obvious the stage-manager was a crony of Potter 's and it was advisable , this early on , to leave well alone .
2 He eventually came to Madeira where Zarco gave him the large area of fertile land around Madalena do Mar .
3 After the horse was bedded down it was time for Sirrell to celebrate properly , and most of Nantgaredig turned up to assist : he eventually got to bed at 3 a.m .
4 He eventually moved to Berlin , where he changed his name to Reuter .
5 He eventually flew to Europe , nervous and not knowing what to expect .
6 He began pony racing and as his father actively encouraged him , he naturally progressed to horses and by coincidence landed his first winner on his first ride — Final Assault on the Flat at Naas in March 1983 .
7 With this ghastly thought in mind , he gently suggested to Sheila that they walk over to a nice patch of grass at the base of the earth bank .
8 In order to escape payment Beamish fled the country and he only returned to Britain at irregular intervals from then on .
9 He only came to life when she began unbuttoning his trousers , for as she touched his fly buttons , so he grabbed at his belt .
10 He only went to church when he took church parade — he was what we then called a Regular — but he shed buckets of tears when he heard the Last Post .
11 Perhaps he only aimed to chivvy those civilians in another direction , but was inexpert in the settings of the weapon .
12 He was potentially a useful ally and one with whom Edward needed to keep on good terms , if only because of his claim to the French throne ; but he proved unreliable and the expedition to Normandy was aborted when he suddenly came to terms with John II .
13 At this point the conversation , still in Spanish , seemed to be about politics and the Mexican economy , but when Ward had finished his soup , he suddenly reverted to English .
14 Rufus had forgotten how often he castigated the press for inaccuracy , how he constantly said to Marigold that you could n't believe a word you read .
15 His hands trembled and he constantly looked to Louise for advice and support .
16 He just hoped to God they had followed them .
17 He just went to sleep . ’
18 Franco had never seen him so drunk and , although Maidstone 's intake of alcohol had often been greater on past occasions , this time he just went to pieces .
19 Finally , Bill could n't stand it any longer and one night he just clung to Marjorie and cried .
20 In the face of foreign invasion , James panicked and fled the country in December 1688 ( though it took him two attempts before he finally escaped to France ) , and in February 1689 a specially convened Convention Parliament established William and Mary as joint King and Queen and debarred all Catholics from the succession in the future .
21 When he finally returned to England in 1952 , an unreconstructed radical from the 1930s , he was appalled to discover that an acquiescent temper of mind , even Christianity itself , had returned to haunt a literary world he had once supposed forever cleared of the religious taint .
22 He had never seen that happen before , and decided to get it checked when he finally returned to England .
23 In 1903 he finally returned to England .
24 When he finally returned to power , he was careful not to preside over the new Gaullist party , the UNR , in the same direct way that he had led the RPF .
25 When Michael saw the happy faces on Christmas Day , the food that seemed inexhaustible and the merriment his gifts had brought , he finally came to terms with himself .
26 He finally went to bed , cursing himself for his own sentimentality , certain the feeling was due to tiredness and jet-lag , no more .
27 The vicar would never have agreed to any kind of mock funeral , but he finally yielded to Midge 's plea that some intercession should be made for the souls of the unknown man and woman whose charred corpses lay in the refrigerator at the mortuary .
28 He soon set to work making drawings of the tiny fellow , and of the cradle .
29 Refused by all , he doggedly returned to Scotland and carried on guerilla warfare until , captured by further treachery , he was handed over to the English by the sheriff of Dumbarton .
30 He thereupon returned to Moscow .
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