Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 'E always seems to 'ave a lot ter say fer 'imself . ‘
2 He acknowledged that ‘ having him loose does raise the potential that he might make more mischief , take to the hills and be very hard to find ’ .
3 Man 's discovery that he himself , like other living creatures , is born and dies must have led him intuitively to try to circumvent the relentless flux of time by seeking to perpetuate his own existence indefinitely .
4 With his gaze locked on hers , he slowly began to undo the buttons of his shirt .
5 Then he slowly began to open the staircase door .
6 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
7 I tell the DI why ; I tell him about two more betrayals ; about the commanding officer who had let men die to cover up his own inadequacy ( or at least Andy believed he had , which was all that mattered ) , and I tell him about the locum doctor who could n't be bothered to attend a patient and then , when he eventually did pay a visit , just assumed her pain was something trivial .
8 He eventually decided to take the latest letter round to the proper 27 The Grove .
9 Over the last weekend , he single-handedly managed to create a 3-4 point drop in his own party 's support , with a knock-on effect against Labour .
10 He badly wants to complete the task and continues hoping to pick up more lift on the way .
11 But he rarely had to spend a lunchtime without a game .
12 He spoke on the evils of race and colour prejudice and he rarely failed to mention the issue of slavery .
13 He obviously meant to have the land that was being auctioned , and when he set his sights on something Luther Reynolds usually got his way .
14 He obviously meant to milk the situation for all he was worth …
15 In spite of the strangeness of Eliot 's behaviour , however , few people begrudged him the happiness which in personal relations he had never experienced before : " He obviously needed to have a happy marriage , " Valerie Eliot said on a later occasion , " He could n't die until he had had it " .
16 He obviously wants to see the Christians in the capital city of the empire .
17 He was reluctant , because he believed that he personally had ejected the Shah and that his standing was now so great that he could face down Khomeini alone .
18 He only had to remember the day after Dobson 's resignation .
19 And he only had to wait a couple of erm points left on his licence so if I 'd taken the dangerous thriving or something he could have lost his licence but erm that 's besides the point .
20 The extension of the offence to include obtaining possession or control will have the result that if Kilham , although pretending that he only wanted to borrow the horse , had in fact intended to deprive the owner permanently , he would be guilty under the clause , because he obtained possession of the horse .
21 He tearfully said he only wanted to give the innocent insurance agent a ‘ headache ’ and wept so much in court that police branded him the ‘ cry-baby killer ’ .
22 This is because capital gain on the whole value of the house accrues to the owner , whereas he only has to repay a relatively small proportion of the mortgage each year .
23 If he only wants to use a part-pack , the operator pulls the lever to suck neat chemical into the transparent tube .
24 He only wants to see the child enjoy herself with her friends . ’
25 Patrick knew that he only intended to lag the putt up close , but as so often when a player does that the ball ran exactly along the line he had chosen , curved left as it ended its run and plopped neatly into the hole .
26 Setting Cassio up for his plots , he so manages to present the image of the faithful friend that — as he predicted Othello would — the dupe actually thanks him : ‘ I humbly thank you for't. i never knew/A Florentine more kind and honest ’ ( III.i.39f . ) .
27 With his first vote the West German elector can if he so desires make a choice solely with reference to the rival candidates ' personal qualities or their popularity .
28 England team manager Micky Stewart fuelled the controversy at the end of the Cornhill Test series when he pointedly refused to clear the Pakistan bowlers over their methods of making the ball swing .
29 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
30 as if he suddenly wanted to return the girls ' favour on this Monaghan Day , he spoke to them openly about the war for the first time in their lives .
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