Example sentences of "he [prep] [art] time and " in BNC.

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1 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
2 A girl from one of the other teams — for all of us had assembled by now — asked him for the time and briefly discussed the weather with him and when , after about 15 minutes , he struck off purposefully around a nearby playing field , he had a tail of 14 people — the entire membership of all four spy teams — determined not to lose their quarry .
3 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
4 And what Mr says in respect of er those three offences is that erm the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before , er he had never er known that that was a procedure that had to be followed .
5 His aunt Miriam was with him at the time and she was showered in debris from the bomb .
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