Example sentences of "he [verb] back the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He whipped back the covers and moved her into bed as if she were a doll , watching her for a second and then turning away .
2 He fought back the word ‘ sorry ’ , which was threatening to erupt for the third time .
3 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
4 When he got back the house looked empty .
5 With his free hand he flung back the duvet , demonstrating that she had aroused quite different emotions .
6 Slowly , carefully , he drew back the sheet , letting it slip from her body , exposing her nakedness .
7 ‘ She looked too small to be the Queen , ’ said Mr Fagan , so he drew back the curtains to get a better look .
8 When he scrapes back the bolts I wince .
9 He lifted back the drapes and looked out into the road .
10 And the apostle Paul he gets open the scrolls and he starts in Genesis and he explains the plan of salvation , and he tells him what he 's got ta do , and he explains all the requirements , and about three or four hours later the man 's mind is completely blurred , he does n't understand a word of it , it 's gone way beyond him , course Paul does n't do that , he shoots back the answer straight away , believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved .
11 He thumbed back the hammer .
12 She would send him off to some lecturing engagement with butter and other rations to give his hostess , and when he came back the rations would be found as a soggy mess in his pocket .
13 The watchman went to tell the local Chief and when he came back the body was gone . ’
14 It was a fatal move , of course , because when he turned back the leprechaun had gone . ’
15 As he turned back the coverlet of the bed where he must sleep alone , Frere consoled himself with the thought that what he was incapable of accomplishing himself might be accomplished for him by time and that providential hand , of which , in his earnest efforts outside the home , he was the faithful instrument .
16 He faded back the way they had come .
17 He threw back the brandy and held out the glass for more .
18 Typical James , thought Cameron , as he handed back the flask and looked at his friend 's flushed face : we are plotting to save our lives and he turns it into a holiday .
19 He handed back the solicitor 's letter .
20 John of Marmoutier tells the legend that Geoffrey le Bel dressed up as a rustic and listened to complaints about his prévôts ’ rapacity ; on his return to court , he paid back the sums they had extorted , and threatened them with death if they continued to defraud the peasantry .
21 He walked back the way he had come and let himself out by a gate in the railing where a metal notice planted in the earth read : Department of the Environment .
22 As the stretcher passed by he pulled back the blanket .
23 The offender held his pistol to the head of a customer who was being served and demanded that the assistants filled two bags with cash ; when one of them hesitated he pulled back the breech of the gun and threatened to shoot the customer .
24 As he pulled back the perspex canopy he permitted himself a small smile at Stallen , whom he knew .
25 He pulled back the blankets , peeled back the cotton and rubber sheets and struggled down the ladder with them in his arms .
26 Satisfied , he pulled back the canvas sheet , replaced the tallow candle , genuflected towards the sanctuary and left the church , Cranston following as quickly as possible .
27 He pulled back the bedclothes and put the jar underneath them .
28 He swallowed back the bile in his throat .
29 He called back the Congress he had dissolved the week before and , according to several congressmen , offered $10,000 to anybody who would show up .
30 He had to return to base , but as he flew back the thought crossed his mind that if he could get refuelled quickly enough the opportunity might still remain .
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