Example sentences of "he [verb] them [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They begged him to let them off this time , but he rang back hour after hour , day , after day : " Sell your car .
2 I knew there was n't any point in asking him to return them at this stage .
3 ‘ What are they looking for ? ’ he asked them without any preliminary greeting .
4 Even when he scolded them for some minor wrongdoing , he would cite the great orators like Cicero or Burke , as if he was taking part in a parliamentary debate , instead of addressing two small boys .
5 After he told them about this , they sent one letter from Siam covered with stamps : ‘ Those would have kept me in The Autocar for ever , but I could n't bear to part with the envelope . ’
6 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
7 erm And he describes them in these terms because of course this is how he sees them from different angles while rounding a series of bends on the road , so that in fact he describes the movement which his senses perceive , not the solid immobility to which his intellect testifies .
8 His two teenage sons were fanatically keen on farming and he encouraged them in all the agricultural skills ; but he fed the calves himself .
9 He called them by this name because , he said , they went ‘ floppy ’ when you shot them .
10 He robbed them of all dignity . ’
11 How did he get them like that ?
12 So Rob 's instruction was that he put them in those files and I did n't think it was a particularly good idea because everything 's easier to find if it 's in the envelopes that we 've put them in .
13 He reminded them of all the things that he 'd said and done and he prepared them for their mission in the world .
14 I have no quarrel with that , provided he sets them in that order .
15 Edward looked delighted to see them and , after supplying them with drinks , he introduced them to several other guests .
16 He greeted them with some impatience .
17 When God in his wisdom chose not to bless women with the same convenient appendage through which men pass water , he left them with little choice but to strip off and squat .
18 And when he 'd finished , he sticks them for another two hundred credits — danger money . ’
19 But as Chomsky himself remarked when he abandoned them with some reluctance as theoretical constructs , these kernel sentences actually have considerable intuitive appeal .
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