Example sentences of "he [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think the death of David 's father was probably what took him a while to make the decision about leaving Ken , because to lose his father , who he really adored , who had always been a pillar of strength to him , changed his life , and I think David carried a bitterness about him dying for a long time .
2 She asks him to recognize his father 's wisdom in trying to encourage him to work for a steady position and shares his anxiety about delays with Blackwoods , over the publication of The Woodland Life .
3 That left him deciding for a long time which club to use for his third shot .
4 She often urged him to look for a suitable girl , but he always replied that there was plenty of time and to date no one had taken his fancy .
5 ( vii ) Where the chairman holds a proxy requiring him to vote for a particular resolution , if no one else proposes that resolution , he must do so unless he considers that there is good reason for not doing so ( r 6.89 ) .
6 In any event , before the disastrous situation which sent him to jail for a short period , I had one other encounter .
7 Controllers urged him to make for a remote runway which would take him over fields and small villages .
8 Scott inherited the family estate in 1596 , but from 1612 until towards the end of his life he lived for a good part of the year in Canterbury .
9 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
10 He plays for a mixed side in his spare time and is well up with the rules which is pretty useful because they seem to change every couple of months . ’
11 Catching sight of her , the boy Charles — see him now ! — wants To follow his father 's model : he asks , he begs for a keen horse , Urgently demands weapons , quiver and swift arrows , And craves to go chasing after the doe , just as his father himself would do .
12 Meanwhile , reflecting upon the record of the Labour government of 1945–51 and on the policies which its successor should pursue , he argued for a coherent socialist policy which would be freshly committed to ideals and be capable of realization .
13 In 1987 he argued for a beefed-up Neddy with the council meetings chaired by the industry secretary rather than by the chancellor .
14 He fought for a local government seat in Islington in 1982 and gained Stockton south from the SDP in 1987 .
15 Everything here fed his masochism — as he had known instinctively that it would when he applied for a similar position in the English coalfields some years before , only to be told that he was not mature enough .
16 In December 1937 he applied for a short-service commission in the RAF and to his evident amazement was accepted and sent for elementary flying training in 90 m.p.h .
17 Repeating a five-year-old falsehood about his nationality , he applied for a one-year renewal of his passport on 24 September 1938 and , on this occasion , repeated what he now knew to be false that he was British by birth .
18 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
19 ’ On the north-east corner he asked for a castellated bell tower in which to house the bell he had brought back from Lille .
20 He asked for a little restorative brandy , then saw a baker 's tray of delicious cakes being carried into the inn 's side-door .
21 ‘ He had wanted to be a doctor since he asked for a medical bag for Christmas when he was six-years-old .
22 He said it was the government 's intention to privatize 30-40 per cent of state assets and he asked for a six-month moratorium on trade union pay demands .
23 His home is presently in Kidderminster from where he weekly commutes while he looks for a new house in the local area .
24 Alec Stewart ran himself out as he tried for a sharp single to cover and found Atherton unwilling to budge at the non-striker 's end .
25 He headed for a short , thick clump of maidenhair fern .
26 He stopped for a red light , prepared to make a right-hand turn as soon as the arrow flicked green .
27 Last night he played for a hand-picked team of personal friends against the national side after recent appearances to help out injury-hit Bayern Munich .
28 In the RAF he played for a representative Welsh side with a famous senior International , Bleddyn Williams .
29 Instead , he opted for a northern Muslim , Baba Gana Kingibe .
30 Yesterday , as he prepared for a new TV series starting on Sunday , Sir David said he was ‘ truly blessed ’ with an honour .
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