Example sentences of "he [verb] for [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd finished school and was trying to decide between art college to become a painter and university to be a poet ; his family wanted him to train for accountancy but he was n't having any of that .
2 ’ I said , keeping up with him stride for stride as he continued on towards the bus stop .
3 Thereafter he lived for society and gossip , projecting a ‘ History of his Times ’ , the materials of which were to be his long , delightfully observant letters to his favourite stepdaughter , Elizabeth Ord .
4 Soon he asked for payment and William complied .
5 Although Kirk does not record that he raised any specific objection to this , or that he asked for confirmation that the Cossacks were all Soviet nationals within the terms of allied policy , he nevertheless includes the exchanges about the Cossacks among the points on which he requests the State Department 's views .
6 He asked for coffee and fresh cake .
7 A different sort of light flickered in the distance , and Doyle crouched down , squinting as he sought for shape and identity in the night .
8 The papers which he receives for council and committee work are often confidential and he should not disclose the contents of those papers to outsiders .
9 Born in a Preston slum , and upbraided as ‘ a worldly little devil ’ by his harridan mother because he longs for food and warmth , his acute fear of being thought worldly dominates his subsequent life , causing him to be misunderstood and exploited .
10 He lives for football and all his mates from his team are in there with him .
11 He bats for average and for power , ’ Stewart said .
12 He was being waltzed around by his captives and he bellowed for help but his colleagues had their own problems .
13 He quotes Gamgee : ‘ He toiled for lucre and not for the advancement of veterinary science ’ .
14 During the first World War Hamilton served with the Coldstream Guards ( he stood just on 6ft ) and he spent the latter part of his service at Caterham Barracks from where he signed for Palace when he was ‘ demobbed ’ in December 1922 .
15 He trawls for advice and information from dozens of people , who find themselves invited to Kensington Palace quite out of the blue .
16 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
17 PC Gaskell was almost lost for words — but he called for assistance and the entertainer finally got his way .
18 He was the first and only candidate to call the rightful name of the Palestinian people ; he said the words , the Palestinians , as he called for self-determination and statehood for these beleaguered , taboo human beings .
19 I shut him up in my cellar with all he needed for painting and a bottle of cognac , and my maid , who was a very pretty girl , served as his model .
20 A bottle of what he took for whisky and four of beer .
21 He whooped for joy as he left the phone cubicle .
22 He reached for Pie and took him by the throat .
23 It was to the Carlton as well as the Whip 's Office that Robert Sanders went to hear the news and discuss political events , and it was to the Carlton too that he went for recreation when the business of the House was too tedious to be borne any longer .
24 The piece is very closely related to the other two pieces that he did for flute and clarinet .
25 Ron said he spoke for Don when he told Luke that he was a great admirer of his material .
26 He gasped for breath but managed to finish a scathing indictment that was n't as effective as he might have wished .
27 You give me anyone 's phone line and mail for a month and I 'll tell you exactly who he is , how old he is , his likes and dislikes , his character , his worries , what he had for breakfast and supper , what time he wakes up .
28 He paused for breath as he reached the landing , then continued .
29 He paused for breath and looked at us .
30 He paused for breath and regarded them expectantly .
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