Example sentences of "he [verb] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 He 's given me a few jokes but only ones he used a long time ago ! ’
2 He used a basic time range , later extended , of nine years , checking bibliographic coverage for 4 years before the base year , and four years afterwards .
3 He waits a long time , checking his watch often .
4 He waits a long time before seizing her , getting to know her habits and other information about her , but she is really a complete stranger who has never met or loved him , unlike Daisy and Gatsby who at least know each other before the book begins .
5 He spent a long time over these calculations and they appeared to soothe him .
6 He spent a long time with her , talking , and making her feel better when she was crying and that ..
7 He spent a long time listening , and then said , ‘ You know , George Dionisovich , you 've fallen into to the hands of the Mafia .
8 The driver , as it turned out , was a retired admiral , and unfortunately he spent a long time finding our house … ‘
9 After leaving school he spent a short time in his father 's office .
10 He spent a short time in Paris , studying French surgical methods , and then returned to Liverpool and joined his father 's practice in 1858 .
11 He spent a short time in conversation with Iris , who looked at him in a way that made Melissa want to shake her .
12 Alejandro was so staggered by Fantasma 's progress that he decided to waive his prejudice against greys ; not so much that he was prepared to get on her back , but he spent a considerable time wondering how he could flog Fantasma to a rich patron without them finding out how vicious and unmanageable the mare could be when she was away from Luke .
13 Tromsø was huddled and silent below and he took a long time over his last look .
14 He took a long time to answer the door and his painful movements towards and into his armchair explained why .
15 He died a short time later .
16 It is a drawing of a girl ( young woman ) , a nude , not like anything else of his I have seen , and I think it must be something he did a long time ago .
17 Yes er he eventually er I in fact spoke to a Detective Inspector er at the police station er he informed me that er Detective Constable had a good knowledge of these persons and I therefore instructed that er D C make contact with me which he did a short time later that evening .
18 He enjoys a good time and is well respected by others .
19 The tsar was well aware that the legislation left much to be desired and delayed publishing it until 5 March , the first day of Lent : " alarmed by the prospect of riot , " wrote an admittedly hostile contemporary , " he hesitated a long time before choosing a day for promulgating the sham freedom and eventually chose the day when it was least of all expected " .
20 He had a fantastic time .
21 Mass , the most accomplished veteran of Sportscar racing , was just passing the pits entrance when the slight drizzle turned into a downpour : he had a torrid time out there on Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez , spending almost 3 minutes slithering around to the pits .
22 He had a good time , said he really enjoyed it and would like to go again , and I had all the washing done for me — he did n't bring anything home dirty except the previous day 's clothes .
23 And he had a good time with the assembled newshounds , especially when one got him off and running with a question about how he felt about winning a national championship .
24 Well the Bill was , who was the manager in those days was very much the manager , and there was one of the directors used to play for the Villa , and he used to more or less look after the playing side which the rest of the directors never seemed to interfere with , they , they left the management up to the manager the selection of the team , Bill and the trainer when they were in the second division was Arthur who 's manager of Derby County now , he had the , I believe he had a sad time when he was at Walsall he , he lost his wife in a car accident and
25 He wanted to call her ‘ Mam ’ , the way he had a long time ago , but she said it made her feel middle-aged and dull and ordinary , so he must never say it again , especially when other people were around .
26 There was one by the newsstand sometimes , scraping at a violin , but he had a tough time competing with the unofficial buskers who had loud guitars and stronger voices .
27 He had a fine time on the subcontinent , taking a total of 175 wickets over the two visits .
28 He had a difficult time , having largely to rebuild the fleet in a period when every shipyard had an order book as long as your arm .
29 Sue Owen , director of nursing , said : ‘ He had a short time away with his consultant 's permission .
30 He had a lean time , claiming only two wickets altogether in Brisbane and the two Sydney Tests .
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