Example sentences of "he [verb] to [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 I found myself talking to someone and watching him go to sleep on his feet .
2 On his doctor 's advice he is to see a specialist today following the mysterious breathing difficulties which saw him rushed to hospital on Tuesday .
3 On his doctor 's advice he is to see a specialist today following the mysterious breathing difficulties which saw him rushed to hospital on Tuesday .
4 He rode to school on one of the high ‘ sit up and beg ’ bikes with a saddle on the crossbar , which enabled him to take his daughter from his home at Harnham to school at The Godolphin .
5 In particular , he began to harp on the conservative themes that would provide the centrepiece of his campaigns for the governorship of California and which he would eventually carry with him into the White House .
6 The moral conclusion is : ( He thought to shit on another but was shitted on much more himself . )
7 He went to work on the Friday wi
8 And er he X-rayed that portrait and he found a portrait of Edward de Vere under that portrait , purportedly of Shakespeare , and then rather alerted , he went to work on the outer portrait and er he took particular care over the signet ring , and er that contains the de Vere boar .
9 He went to bed on porridge , got up on potatoes , and did his twice-nightly work on scones , baps , cottage loaves , crumpets , and Yorkshire parkin .
10 and , once there , he went to town on scarlet
11 In 1790 a great meeting of tanners held in London elected him to speak for them to the prime minister , William Pitt , concerning the distressed state of the tanning trade ; and in 1793 he wrote to parliament on behalf of Bristol tanners to suggest remedies for the scarcity of the oak bark used in tanning .
12 And at last , and most imprudently , he married an ambitious tyrant who drove him up the career ladder , and when things began to get too much he set to work on a toy church with pastor , pulpit , congregation , organ and so forth .
13 He set to work on apartments eight and nine at Kensington Palace and Highgrove .
14 But it was not until August 1942 , after a year 's delay , that he set to work on the poem again .
15 Colin Powell , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , put the matter most clearly ( which is getting to be a habit ) when he testified to Congress on February 19th .
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