Example sentences of "he [verb] become a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The tale is slight ; a voyage on a luxury train during which a down-on-his-luck-but-permanently optimistic producer attempts to regain the services and the affections of the famous actress he helped become a star .
2 In order to generate interest in his players and their careers , he has become a press and publicity machine .
3 Mind you he has become a bit of an opinionated arsehole recently … more like Jonathan King , or Nina Myskow — y'know being deliberately contentious to get people to write in .
4 The ANC has worthy successors to him , but he has become a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle .
5 But by the end of the poem , he has become a character of extra-terrestrial proportions , a romantic sufferer carrying on his shoulders the sins of society .
6 If he has become a hero to the Muslim masses outside , and probably to a lot of Third World non-Muslims , it is not on his merits , but because the United States , with gratuitous and superfluous aid from Britain , has cast him for the part .
7 He has become a scapegoat and an excuse , so that romantic writers can maintain their vision of a lost golden age .
8 He has become a target for abuse — and powerful sponsors who back the team with around £20-£25million a year want a say in what has become the greatest sports outcry of all time .
9 Now he has become a pain in the neck to the establishment .
10 Following Gazza 's first league goal for Lazio in the derby match against Roma , and his unforgettable second against Pescara on December 6 , he has become a sensation in Italy .
11 He has become an expert layman ( and a doctor groupie ) .
12 When the priest can not function as a priest , is he bound to become a prophet ?
13 Even as a small boy , Thomas had been interested in mechanical toys and as he grew up he determined to become an engineer like our father , who was a regular Royal Engineer .
14 Next , for a short time , he fancied becoming a baseball player .
15 Should he have become a friar or a student ?
16 Yes , erm , that was where I was born and er then when I was five my father erm hit a bad patch and he sold the house and er he decided to become a shoemaker in Baysford .
17 Mr Kretzshmar , who has travelled extensively around Europe , says he will stay in Germany , where he hopes to become a teacher .
18 He had a younger brother who went to Oxford as well and he did become a Communist .
19 By the Ptolemaic Period he had become a god of healing and thus was associated with Imhotep in the Theban temples of Deir el-Medina and Deir el-Bahri .
20 It was here that he had become a doorman before going on to live in England .
21 He had become a major in the military at twenty four and achieved much in the world in prosperity and position , but it had been an uphill climb .
22 He had become a kind of totem ; his extraordinary authority was based on that .
23 By now he had become a Test cricketer , having played in three of the exciting 1960–61 Tests against West Indies ( and substituted in the field in the tied Test at Brisbane , his first , at Melbourne , being the 500th Test match , and bringing him poignantly what were to remain best batting and bowling performances in an eight-Test career .
24 ‘ But he had started to drink heavily in recent months and Bernard felt he had become a liability .
25 By 1652 he had become a member of a syndicate engaged in victualling the navy .
26 He had become a hero for the garrison , for English and native defenders alike .
27 For Mailer , Lawrence 's greatness lies in part in his heroic struggle against his destiny , which was to be homosexual : ‘ he had become a man by an act of will , he was bone and blood of the classic family stuff out of which homosexuals are made , he had lifted himself out of his natural destiny which was probably to have the sexual life of a woman ’ ( p. 154 ) .
28 Now , he stared down at his Saturday suit and was afraid at the new possibility that he had become a man set in his ways , upset by change .
29 He went on talking of peace , but he had become a man who had allowed Britain 's major industry to be decimated and embittered .
30 Right-wing UNO parties had consistently demanded Ortega 's dismissal , especially since he had become a mainstay of the government .
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