Example sentences of "he [verb] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He has stayed to deal with them , but still believes God means him to go at some point .
2 They went about their business , expecting him to appear at any moment .
3 Len was different ; she had never seen him look at another girl like that .
4 In my opinion it would be a very rash collector who banked on him staying at that level .
5 The slightest accident on the motorway can become a multiple pile-up because there 's people like him travelling at this speed .
6 He seems to be playing really well at the moment and to let him go at this stage would be killing shooting ourselves in the foot .
7 Rebecca West refers to a photograph of him taken at this time in army uniform as a private of the Worcestershire Regiment .
8 The empty pot was heavy and Asik found it very difficult to walk without carrying anything , but the pot made it almost impossible for him to move at any speed .
9 ‘ I do n't like this conversation , if you do n't mind , ’ Jenna said primly , wanting him to stop at all costs .
10 And I had to ask a lad stood at front , I said can you ask him to stop at this stop please .
11 He was leaving behind the other children , the only friends he had , and he realized at that moment how lonely he was in the world .
12 He laughs at this scenario but it carries the ring of truth .
13 When he moved at this time to larger premises at no. 5 Charing Cross , his maps were reputed the finest being engraved anywhere in the world .
14 And the easiest way to ensure that — a readiness to criticise the Government at each and every turn — is the one temptation he has at all costs to resist .
15 He needs at all rimes to be in full possession of his faculties , or that extra , unpredictable poetic thrust would never declare itself — that heart-lifting boost that rockets mere words into the outer spaces of true poetry .
16 He stopped at this thought , wondering if dogs came along here frequently .
17 So I 'm not looking for a response to what he says at this stage .
18 Thirty years afterwards Charles still felt deeply the humiliation he suffered at this time ; but unlike some little princes in similar situations , he lived , politically as well as literally , to fight another day .
19 Among places he surveyed at this time were the park of Auckland Castle and Lanchester Common .
20 He has never forgotten the lessons he learnt at that time .
21 However , Nietzsche 's first editors ( 1895 ) , then his sister ( 1897 ) , and subsequently the world at large have asserted that the scale of this last revision was substantial and , specifically-that of the book 's eventual twenty-five sections , he added at this time the final six ( 20–25 ) , which are partly ( though not , as is often said , largely ) concerned with Wagner . "
22 He added at this time that the further information was that the occupants of the flat at we were frightened of I also .
23 Was genuine he added at this time that er the further information was that the occupants of the flat at were frightened of .
24 precisely Mr Chairman if I could answer that the , the , the once the inspector comes back to the Fire Service and reports again and he is due back in June , we will then look at the matters he raises at that time and he will look at the progress report er what , what has happened since his last inspection and then we will have the opportunity to look at what the Inspector has , has to say after his visits , not very far away er , their Chief Officer will go on with this programme
25 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
26 Now what was he going at that speed for ?
27 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
28 He did not explain how he arrived at that figure , but it turns out — conveniently — to be £93 less than the £420 student loan that the Government are now making available .
29 He arrived at these numbers by comparing reported AIDS cases in homosexual/bisexual males for the UK in 1986 and 1987 ( 785 ) with reports for 1988 and 1989 ( 1268 ) and for 1990 and 1991 ( 1907 ) .
30 He arrived at this destination at the early age of 35 .
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