Example sentences of "he [verb] [Wh adv] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Does he know how to use it ?
2 Was he wondering how to break it to Celeste that their relationship was over ?
3 PC Anderson , a 40-year-old officer with 20 years ' experience , warned her not to report the incident , saying he knew where to find her and could arrest her for soliciting , the court was told .
4 He knew where to find me . ’
5 That truck driver tried to kill us — and he knew where to locate us exactly .
6 When asked later how he knew where to begin he replied , ‘ I did n't — and Sir Hugh Casson said ‘ Just absorb the atmosphere ’ . '
7 It was up to him to save her and he knew how to do it .
8 The old keeper he knew how to treat him and he was on alright in about a month .
9 And then he added that , of course , writers had nothing better to do most afternoons and since I was now writing a movie for him , he knew how to keep me happy .
10 Huy knew something about papyrus , having spent most of his life writing on it , and had managed to convince the man that he knew how to make it , without giving away too much of his true background .
11 Not only had he spotted excessive muscular tension throughout his body , but now he thought he knew how to correct it .
12 He knows where to get you ? ’
13 You know , you want something he knows where to get it .
14 ‘ Well he knows where to find me . ’
15 We do know Bonanza can get rough if he has to , and he knows where to find you .
16 He knows how to do it though , ’ Nutty pointed out .
17 You know you know my three year old grandson he knows how to do it
18 He wondered how to question him tactfully .
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