Example sentences of "he [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though arrested in Denmark , Britain , France and Spain for narcotics and arms offences , al-Kassar had made himself too valuable an asset to European and American intelligence agencies for them to allow him to go to waste in prison , so that he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance matched only among international criminals by his partner , Rifat Assad , younger brother of the Syrian president , who also owned a villa outside Marbella , and whose daughter , Raja , was al-Kassar 's mistress .
2 The powerful bike between his thighs , the beautiful morning and the prospect of a full week 's work ahead , all made him want to burst with joy .
3 She wondered if Mrs Gray wanted to be fair to her husband and to avoid mentioning him in a role which showed him having to report to HQ , as it were ; or whether she wanted to be fair to Canon Wheeler , about whom , her tone suggested , she might share her husband 's opinion .
4 Sometimes , when he thought he might die , as Eileen had died , some deep and insatiable curiosity about life and living in him , some craving to take with him a deeper knowledge of women and their essence made him long to lie in love with her , to taste the sweetness of her mystery , to see the world just once from a vantage point where the lost and lonely flesh that is man and woman comes together in a healing synthesis .
5 Green , did n't he want to go for grey ?
6 Did n't he want to go for grey ?
7 There were other , smaller tasks which he wished to complete : when he had finished the play , he planned to revise for publication the lectures which he had given on education at the University of Chicago .
8 Yet when his campaign train reached McCarthy 's state of Wisconsin , where he planned to speak in defence of his old chief , he thought better of it and let that guy from the gutter stay on the train .
9 In fact he returned to Amsterdam , but in 1681 he agreed to serve as leader of the English Sephardi community which had been so generous to him years before .
10 All the people he goes to meet for dinner and tea .
11 He expected to act as sponsor to Chou En-lai in the unfamiliar field of international diplomacy , but it was actually Chou who took over centre stage ( as The Times pronounced , 25 April 1955 , ‘ It has been Mr Chou En-lai 's week ’ ) .
12 He failed to release in time to prevent the towplane from being tipped over into the ground .
13 If Labov 's interpretations were suspect ( and of course they are not ) , this would not arise from the fact that he failed to test for significance .
14 He failed to appear at court to answer a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm which allegedly happened in Durham Prison last July .
15 A police search is under way for a businessman accused of attempting to export a military camera to the Soviet Union after he failed to appear for committal proceedings at Rugby Magistrates Court .
16 He failed to appear in court to face four charges of theft .
17 The trainers loved him and some , like Beamish , took it as a mortal insult when he failed to come in person to minister to their valuable charges .
18 Er my Lord it 's rather a complicated of transaction and the the essential heading this case was that he failed to advise in relation to title er the person who goes from with respect to a land transaction he 's entitled to expect that the lawyer investigates the state of entitlement to arrange the matter and to explain to the trial exactly what that is , what it is that is portrayed by the state of the title .
19 Rather than reject Marxism on the grounds that it had been disproved by history , as Merleau-ponty had done , he sought to account for Stalinism through a dialectical analysis of the specific history of the Soviet Union since the Revolution : theory and practice , he argued , had become separated with the result that the former had become ‘ sclerosed ’ while the latter had become ‘ blind ’ and ‘ unprincipled ’ ( I , 50 ) .
20 If he tried to return to Earth in defiance of his oath he strongly suspected that he might never be allowed to reach the homeworld …
21 Boldly coloured ties draped Levinsky 's neck ( he sold them on the street ) , his synapses now like two eggs over light , in permanent sizzle , as he tried to move into stride with a young Cassius Clay .
22 As soon as he realised his mistake he tried to go into reverse , but once America sent troops to Saudi Arabia the dictator was trapped : only then did he make Kuwait the 19th province and drop all talk of withdrawing .
23 Unless you count the occasion in Turkey when he tried to go to bed with a prostitute while suffering from the pox .
24 When money became scarce , he tried to go on welfare , but the woman official said , ‘ What 's your problem , Mr Webb ?
25 The next day he tried to beg for money , but large signs in some villages warned him that anyone caught begging would be sent to prison .
26 Sergeant Alan King died after being stabbed repeatedly by Vernage as he tried to crawl to safety .
27 Even those he tried to establish with office girls seemed to founder fairly rapidly .
28 in Greek mythology , Bellerophon 's winged horse , on which he tried to fly to heaven .
29 He tried to shout for help , but was too weak to raise even the feeblest of cries .
30 He tried to run for help straight after the crash but then he saw Jason on the road and collapsed with the shock .
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