Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] in the " in BNC.

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1 If he was a difficult friend , he could also be a loyal one — the most notable example , of course , is that of Ezra Pound whom he continued to support and defend even though it meant that he became embroiled in the kind of public controversy which he detested .
2 He became absorbed in the task , grumbling at the stiffness of the holding screws .
3 Nuttall 's happening did n't go as expected , when he became jammed in the bath in which he had placed himself , and Latham fainted while trying to drag him out .
4 With Wilfred Rhodes [ q.v. ] ever-present in the Yorkshire XI , Verity played league cricket for Rawdon , Accrington , and Middleton before he became established in the Yorkshire team in 1930 .
5 His friend Max Jacob was just about to be received into the Catholic church when he became entangled in the affairs of Modi and Beatrice .
6 The start of the last play was delayed as ‘ Jesus ’ had elected to travel in his own car rather than on the lorry , and he became entangled in the mysteries of the town 's traffic system .
7 In his lifetime an obscure figure ( he was ignored by contemporary obituarists ) , he became known in the twentieth century through the publication of his Diaries , journals of horseback tours through England and Wales .
8 In response the Syrian-based Seljuk dynasty fought back , especially through the exploits of the Kurd Salah al-Din ( Saladdin as he became known in the West ) who himself took Egypt establishing his own Ayyubid dynasty in 1171 .
9 Even though his period in Calcutta was extremely brief , for he was forced to retire in 1906 after a breakdown , he became celebrated in the West and in India for ‘ preaching ’ the greatness of Indian art with fervour that bordered on fanaticism .
10 ‘ I thought he got killed in the Second World War ! ’
11 I mean people were dying , men were dying , my brother died , he got killed in the War , pe every day you went to work and somebody would tell you , So and so 's died , you remember so and so , he 's died .
12 He got kicked in the head by his own player Mike Whitlow there but I do n't think he 'll mind because er it all contributed to the goal .
13 Like many , he got known in the UK through the Virgin ‘ Techno ’ compilations but , when he came to Britain with Inner City 's ‘ Big Fun ’ tour , his career and personal life nose-dived when Blake discovered he was epileptic .
14 I think he got punched in the head .
15 The scribes he studies worked in the 14th century — 800 years after Dr Marchand 's Goths had relinquished Italy .
16 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
17 GERALD MALONE , official Conservative was appointed by the Winchester branch of the party as their prospective candidate some 18 months ago , since when he has lived in the area .
18 For 18 years he has lived in the same house in London 's Gospel Oak , though he could easily afford the neighbouring and more upmarket Hampstead .
19 Sachin Tandulkar , Yorkshire 's first-ever overseas player , does his best to look as if he has lived in the northern county all his life
20 When Iago outlines his plan to regain Othello 's respect through the intervention of Desdemona , Cassio is grateful : The point that this sequence establishes is that Cassio , like Roderigo before him , and like Othello , and Desdemona after him , trusts Iago and believes that he has appeared in the nick of time , solely in order to help him .
21 Over the years he has appeared in The Stone Boy , The Outsiders , Rumblefish , The Cotton Club , Paradise Alley and , most memorably , as the down-and-out DJ in Jim Jarmusch 's Down By Law and the jinked hobo in Hector Babenco 's Ironweed .
22 Displaying remarkable maturity for a 22-year-old he has emerged in the last 18 months as the game 's outstanding personality , a player blessed with the full range of skills , someone with an unflappable temperament to match .
23 The experience he has gained in the mines at immediately a man g a man who has been in the mines goes down there again his er n er he gives himself away , because , just because of the experiences .
24 ‘ I am one of those people ’ , he has said in the past , ’ who must take exercise not only to be able to give of my best , but just to survive — I mean , I ca n't function without it .
25 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
26 He has said in the past that industry chiefs should restrain pay increases .
27 Mr Court was a principal architect of this Society as it is today and I am grateful for this opportunity to pay tribute to the very considerable part he has played in the development of the Society over the past 16 years .
28 He has played in the last nine reserve matches .
29 But his full-bottomed wig he has kept in the hope that his barrister son , also Bernard , will one day need it as a QC .
30 Then , in the last part of the day , he should revise what he has composed in the morning …
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