Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
2 For years I allowed him to treat me like dirt .
3 The incident was reported in the press , however , and his secretary was quoted in one newspaper as saying , " Many Jewish people have written to him accusing him of anti-semitism .
4 He had n't seen her , but the closeness of him moved her to flight .
5 My comments on his work were valuable only as an irritating pretext which permitted him to lecture me on Art .
6 Consequently it is necessary for him to provide her with feedback so that she is aware that her opinion is duly considered .
7 The sight of her legs as they stretched forward to keep up with him lifted him with exultation .
8 ‘ If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
9 Titch left him a key , you see , while he was away , so he could keep an eye on the place , or maybe if he wanted to do some painting , the way your nan carried on about him doing it at home — anyway , he went round there that night . ’
10 Instead of selling him your goods , you let him have them on consignment .
11 And if he was engaged on some scheme of his own , she had better leave him to pursue it without interference .
12 The president thanked him and told him to keep him in touch with any further developments .
13 His legs were beginning to get twitchy and fidgety , the way they always did when it was particularly important for him to keep them under control .
14 She claims she has been forced to wait for him to call her from phone boxes .
15 the Judge , will compel him to learn it by heart .
16 And so , through playing his stuff so many times , hearing him play it on record and on bootlegs and actually hearing him sing live — once — it 's got to the point where it 's hard to say whether this is my natural voice or if it 's something I learned .
17 Presumably they imagined their confidences led him to regard them with disgust or pity or contempt .
18 ‘ I wanted him to have it after supper .
19 It was n't the sort of long-term depression that had settled on him when his wife persuaded him to take her on holiday to Marbella .
20 Barenboim has identified the First Symphony of the 54-year-old Corigliano as a work of great courage , and it was equally brave of him to take it on tour .
21 I confided nothing of my circumstances , merely asked Émile how he was and kept him telling me at length , without interrupting him .
22 Though crippled , he managed to give any woman in his presence the conviction that she was delicate , helpless , and ultra-decorative , and could rely on him to shelter her from life 's cruel blows .
23 My respects to the captain and ask him to join me for breakfast at , say , eight-thirty .
24 Presumably on the basis that it could not involve James , she had asked him to join them for supper .
25 As the crew neared the still floating aircraft they spotted the pilot nearby , they approached him to bring him on board but he pulled a pistol out and was about to fire when the coxswain shot him .
26 ‘ I 'm damned if I 'm going to let him bully me with money ! ’
27 He made it without difficulty on to his raft , swinging it round to join the group he had noticed dropping away to his left ; and was overturned by a breaking wave .
28 Qualified privilege may be claimed if the member of the council making the statement about a person can show that he made it without malice and in pursuit of a public duty .
29 He made it to grammar school in Woking , leaving at sixteen with enough O-levels to get a traineeship on the local Surrey Advertiser .
30 I wondered if Charlie really knew this , felt this , or whether his life as he lived it from day to day was as fucked-up and perplexed as everyone else 's .
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