Example sentences of "he [verb] [be] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His will , proved in December of that year , shows him to have been in easy circumstances .
2 Since Christmas day her feelings for him had been in such a chaotic state she did n't know whether she loved or hated him .
3 He trill is in good working order , she can float a quiet top A as at the end of ‘ Senza mamma ’ , and though she had a problem with breath-control she can sill manage skilfully in such testing pieces as the Freischütz arias .
4 During most of his life he has been in close touch with village life in different parts of the country .
5 Since Sunset And Vine 's trainer Simon Dow took over the Epsom stables of Ron Smyth last year and he has been in tremendous form since , saddling 23 jumping winners and six on the Flat .
6 An employee needs to show that he has been in two years continuous employment .
7 All that might have made Mr Kohl even more overbearing than he has been in recent weeks , to the dismay of West Germany 's allies and neighbours .
8 He has been in serious office since 1979 , in cabinet for nine years .
9 Now , at last , Jacob realizes the full extent of the danger he has been in all night .
10 What especially pleases me is that we are extraordinarily popular and that Wolfgang is admired here even more than he has been in all the other towns of Italy ; the reason is that Bologna is the centre and dwelling-place of many masters , artists and scholars .
11 Named after the mansion in Wuthering Heights , this is a desolate agricultural commune run by Jimmy Ahmed , back from London , where he has been in some vague way a celebrity .
12 He looked at me apathetically through a mist of weakness and pain and one could see he 'd been in that water a lot too long .
13 If he 'd been in deep water he would n't have been damaged so much and neither would he have surfaced yet , perhaps not for several more days .
14 He was the editor of the Review of Churches and the first tour which he organized was in 1893 when he took a party of 450 people to Rome for Easter .
15 He had been in other worlds beside Ridgery Butts , the Yorkshire Dales and the long miles between , and thieving and creeping and running and looking after himself ; but Marian knew only the Ridgery and remembered very faintly some other sort of life , a memory of glints and patches of a different sort of sunlight .
16 He had been in many tight spots during his life , and guarding a warehouse did not trouble him unduly .
17 But he had been in such a degree of desperation because of his financial position .
18 He had been in good health , and had been subjected to no particular strain or exertion .
19 On board was a Maltese deck passenger who boasted he had been in nine different prisons in England ; after we had sailed a friend of his was discovered stowed away in the chain locker .
20 He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them , and he could tell that the girl was frightened too , by her quick , shallow breathing .
21 People would realize that he was writing about himself , that he had been in that room .
22 He gave a slight sardonic grunt , remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt .
23 He had been in that street two weeks earlier .
24 If he had been in some sort of trance , ( lasting who knew how long ? ) that might account for the sudden appearance of Jos .
25 Pike is n't a big guy , but he did this like he had been in secret weight-training .
26 Her husband , Stuart , 52 , said yesterday he had been in daily contact with her since she flew to Canada last month on the second pilgrimage to find her son .
27 He remembered the last time he had been in this situation .
28 It was impossible at times to imagine that he had been in this camp all of eighteen months .
29 Although Sorley was to make light of the experience , he had been in considerable danger .
30 From his account Bahdu was where he had been in most danger .
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