Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 Gwendolen sitting next to him did not object to his silence .
2 This snappily dressed , half-smiling man with something of the looks of the young Cary Grant about him did not approximate to his vision of a psychiatrist .
3 But whoever killed him did n't need to be especially fit with a weapon like that in their hand . ’
4 She 's just , that 's just pulling their mind you I did say to her the last straw was Christmas day , can you imagine like , I mean me and him did n't have to , I did n't have to stay in and cook dinner , I done it cos she was there we 'd all be together , she did n't fucking come home .
5 What 's he He do n't need to .
6 He 'd better go to the zoo and live with the animals .
7 So I told him to take these tablets and says if he felt no better he 'd better get to doctors , well he did n't even move out of bed , apart from summat to eat
8 Finding that broking in political power was more fun than selling milk , Horsley self-importantly told Kinnock he 'd better stick to his socialist principles after being elected Prime Minister , or there 'd be trouble from NoS .
9 Moss escaped with his life but the famous " Lucky No.7 " car of his was not seen in a Formula One Grand Prix again although he did later return to saloon car racing .
10 Yet , says Matthew Paris with relish , he did not deserve to be rescued in this way , for he had shown no mercy to others when he himself had been an officer of the Forest .
11 On balance , Chamberlain would win although he did not deserve to , because Hitler had the Eyeties on his side , and the Eyeties had sent six hundred thousand men to crush Albania and almost been repulsed .
12 Yet can not the elder referred to in the example be said to have acted morally even though he did not adhere to the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence ?
13 And , unlike Mrs Thatcher , he did not rush to conclusions .
14 Sparrow said he did not expect to be the last chairman of the Levy Board , which assesses and collects contributions from bookmakers to finance racing .
15 He did not cling to his rights ( Phil .
16 Eliot , distressed , wrote to Wilson and to another of his champions , Gilbert Seldes , protesting that he did not want to be praised at Pound 's expense since be was indebted to Pound ( as indeed his dedication to Pound as il miglior fabbro had elegantly acknowledged ) .
17 Thompson did not know the details then because he did not want to .
18 Desiring to flaunt his new found riches he did not want to be seen owning the house which lies behind — a rambling hotchpotch of roof lines and gables which evolved over centuries .
19 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
20 He did not want to be small .
21 He took the part with manifest reluctance ; he did not want to be recognized by Ghorbanifar .
22 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
23 But he did not want to .
24 Gedge can not remember a time when he did not want to be in a pop group .
25 When he was asked why he himself did not become one , he replied that all men wanted to be Senators but he did not ; he did not want to be the same as other men who were as the uncoloured cloth of the Toga but he wished to be the red , that small and brilliant portion which causes the rest to be comely and beautiful .
26 He had locked himself in as he did not want to be disturbed by Emily .
27 He did not want to be around when they told him ; he had enough to do without becoming involved in a domestic squabble .
28 He did not want to be caught at all , and although Mildred told him where they were going and tried to soothe him , he struggled madly and looked at her with great suspicion .
29 Perhaps after all she was a good , dutiful girl , he thought ; he did not want to be unreasonable .
30 He did not want to be reminded of home and the only paper he even glanced at was the International Herald Tribune , a copy of which Anne found on the beach .
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