Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Trouble is , Danny , they beat the watchman up an' 'e picked 'em out in an identification parade , so the copper told me. 'E said I might be 'earin' from 'em .
2 Her brain whirling , Luce allowed him to carry her downstairs without further protest .
3 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
4 Her small , incoherent moan caused him to clasp her tightly against his body for a moment , before lifting her damp figure up in his arms and carrying her back through into the bedroom .
5 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
6 The vicious front snap-kick caught him caught him just above his right hip , instead of square in the groin , but its force knocked him spinning to the ground .
7 The return to a seasonal topic seemed to have prompted him to tackle something obviously on his mind .
8 KEVIN Keegan ( right ) went into quarantine yesterday , but it was more than a niggling flu bug which persuaded him to lock himself away from his Newcastle players before the FA Cup fifth round tie at Blackburn .
9 You once said something about him warning you away from magic ? ’
10 Wordlessly , she allowed him to lead her on to the roadway and down the hill towards home .
11 She allowed him to lead her back to the living-room , her defences momentarily lapsed so that when he paused on the threshold to slide an arm around her waist and draw her into his embrace she was too shocked to remonstrate .
12 Kate said nothing , just allowed him to lead her out into the winter sunshine towards the waiting car .
13 Pray that they may be people who rely on God 's healing and allow him to set them back on the track of feeding the lambs .
14 so she him put him straight through and then goes , Mr Smith , erm , my name 's Mike , er , you do n't know me , but I 'm a graphic designer and er , my wife and I are trying to emigrate to Canada , and erm , I 'd like you to send me some business and give me two free tickets for it .
15 She waited , holding her breath , wondering whether he would really answer all the questions that had been buzzing around in her head ever since she had first met him , or whether he would skirt around the subject and depend instead on the overwhelming attraction she felt for him to talk her back into bed .
16 She felt him pushing her backwards on the overstuffed settee and she let him .
17 Fagg and company were upset about Blenkinsop going , but since they trusted him utterly they left it to him to choose someone just like himself .
18 They found the brassiere under the bed and Jo let him hook it up at the back for her .
19 Yes , er he took a couple of steps away from the bed , er then I told him to lower himself down onto his knees and then eventually lower himself down onto his chest , down onto his front .
20 Colonel Blair knows nothing of it yet , and it would be better , I think , for him to hear it first-hand from you . "
21 ‘ Our father and mother wrote back — kindly and understandingly I am sure — but advising him to stick it out like a man .
22 If you 're on your own , treat his display with cool disdain and simply ignore him as you walk past ; or strongly assert yourself and tell him to cover himself up at once — but remember , no threats .
23 She invited him to cover it up with a paper bag but he snapped the band round the back of his head and ran off into the street , an elephant ramping above the collar of his jersey , his new trunk bobbing .
24 The heat smouldering between their bodies had intensified , and with a light-headed sensation she felt him crush her convulsively against the lean hardness of his hips , and felt the powerful stirrings of male arousal , triggering a small explosion of response inside her .
25 Her earliest memory was of him holding her tightly by the hand , when she was just a toddler , in case she strayed too near the rushing river .
26 ‘ I would like to have seen him holding us back with an old sword in his hand . ’
27 A blow from one of the men holding him knocked him down onto the cobbles .
28 Let's face it , all she 'd have to do would be to sit and let him sleep it off for a while , it was probably what the kid needed most , and he 'd never remember anything different .
29 Pennethorne 's version was that Hall had approved the scheme and directed him to draw it out in more detail , which he did , and submitted a set of drawings along with perspectives and an estimate to Hall in February 1856 .
30 An aide had apparently taken him aside and told him to do something fast about his image .
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