Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 At the church , me poor sister was near to swoonin' , our mum 'ad to give 'er smellin'-salts , with 'is reverend the vicar sayin' 'e 'd 'ave to cancel the ceremony .
2 Palmerston then interrupted , saying that he ought to have consulted the House first .
3 Had the hoaxer or murderer shown him a pattern which he ought to study to find the sender 's intention and ultimately his identity ?
4 He may choose to have the book bound , but this is by no means an automatic decision .
5 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
6 Mystical experience never arrives out of the blue ; it is always influenced by the religious milieu of the mystic , even though he may want to transcend the beliefs and attitudes that he found there .
7 His parents believe he may have wanted the money to buy a house .
8 Mr. Gardiner argued that Walton J. erred in a number of respects although he may have reached the right answer by the wrong route .
9 Not only do they hold good against the trustee himself , and against his creditors during his life-time and his representatives after his death , but also against all to whom he may have transferred the property , and who can not show that they acquired it for value and without notice of the trust .
10 Alternatively , he may have devised the anti-clerical legislation of the period 1529 to 1533 as a weapon to bludgeon the pope into granting the annulment , only to resort to the supremacy as an emergency measure when Anne Boleyn became pregnant in 1533 .
11 No record exists of his education : he may have attended the grammar school at Bury St Edmunds or a charity school in nearby Hawstead maintained by a kinsman , Sir Dudley Cullum , who became his brother-in-law in 1710 .
12 He may have heard the cow moaning as she gave birth , his ears sensitized to noises the rest of us would not have heard , as we sat talking and laughing around the fire .
13 He may have contravened the rules you devised , for your admittedly entertaining method of execution by single combat .
14 Dante would appear to have seen a striking clock at least fifteen years before the Visconti clock of 1335 was installed ; he may have seen the iron clock placed in the campanile of the church of Sant' Eustorgio in Milan in 1309 — the first Italian public clock of which we have knowledge .
15 It seems unlikely that Minkowski would have come across Smith 's earlier work directly , but he may have seen the reference to them in a paper of Ferdinand Frobenius , which appeared in the main German mathematical journal shortly before the competition was announced .
16 He may have seen the continental ice cap , raised by mirage .
17 Although there is no evidence that Horace Walpole ( who died on 2 March 1797 ) ever attended College meetings it is pleasant to think that he may have formed the undiscovered link between Lord Camden and the as yet unlocated Veterinary College .
18 Even if the lobbyist is not entirely successful in putting across his point of view , he may have limited the potential damage of the new legislation .
19 Here he may have got the idea from a later , but heavily revised and largely independent , version of the duet , included in an appendix to the volume ( pp 439–41 ) .
20 But at that stage he may have valued the intellectual stimulus that a closer intercourse with Jesuit astronomers seemed to promise .
21 Jim may have known the assailant or he may have entered the house either quietly or under a pretence
22 He frets that , when it comes to the point , the requirements for SATs may not tally with the requirements for GCSE ; that he may have to regroup the whole school to align pupils according to their ability rather than their age .
23 He once returned to his old school and told staff : ‘ By the time I 've paid my analyst as much as my father paid you , he may have undone the damage you did . ’
24 He may have considered the possibility of selling at some stage in the past , ’ she conceded reluctantly .
25 He may have left The Bar accompanied , but you never saw him following anyone , gazing after someone or persuading them to come home with him .
26 He may have left the Daltons at the time of their troubles .
27 I think he may have planted the idea that I was after her , for badness ’ sake .
28 It is thought he may have intercepted the cab company message on his radio .
29 He may have meant the general composition of what had been the whole great building : who is to say that he did not also intend the look , smell , feel and silence of these stones ?
30 He may have lasted the full 90 mins … but the opposition were n't making life that difficult for him ! !
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