Example sentences of "he [be] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If he were to go to the doctor and ask about it , he might find out — ‘ Mind yer backs !
2 It was as if he were going to the edge again of something fresh and new .
3 His other neighbour 's child-bride kissed her boy hero each morning , in her floating web dressing gown , as if he were going to the Falklands for three months .
4 I think he were going for a , a month , a month and a half summat like that , and he said it were out of this world .
5 The only person that she spoke to on the whole crossing was a young man who fell on top of her as she and he were going down the stairs : he was following her , two steps behind , when the boat gave a violent lurch and he missed his footing and crashed into her , and she too missed her footing , and they both sat down together upon the stairs .
6 Nine months after walking into Elland Road to be acclaimed as a hero , he is gone amid a wave of Yorkshire revulsion .
7 Much later , a mere half century ago , the author Alan Devoe makes a similar comment : ‘ One day , often with no forewarning whatever , he is gone from the house and never returns .
8 The message at the other end has been distorted to produce send three and fourpence , he is going to a dance' .
9 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
10 We say that the man , who utters the same sounds as the parrot , is asserting that he is going to the bank because he is a man , and not a parrot .
11 He is going through a dry patch at the moment as he has won only on match in the five tournaments he has played so far this year but I am sure he will work his way back again , he has got it in him .
12 Peter , a 55-year-old distribution engineer at the plant , says his wife believes he is going through a second childhood .
13 Now , of course , he is going through the inevitable comparison with Hare , and it is hard following a legend .
14 I mean , their loan periods are somewhere about twenty five years whereby you probably realise in this country if a young er person wants to start a firm and he 's go to the bank they 're not gon na give him much scope at all !
15 he 's when he 's depressed , he 's goes like a raving sex mania , he
16 he 's going off the side
17 He 's on active service ; he smells powder ; he 's going over the top for the baby .
18 He 's going through a lot because of your not wanting to see him . ’
19 He 's going through a shy stage , ’ Ashley explained , on a breath , ‘ and he 's especially wary of men .
20 I 'm not out to if they 're going to claim on this diesel then that 's up to them but I 'm not going to have our lads or anybody else blamed for something which definitely does not exist and I shall tell as soon as I erm I meet him to have a chat with him again that he 's going along the wrong lines .
21 I 've read about Mr help line , I did n't realise he had a direct connection to the almighty but he 's obviously got his instructions and erm we are very pleased that he 's going along the right lines .
22 You know he 's going into the country so I 'm to go too and I 'll live nearby in a little room or a shed , for I 'm going to put my life in order , I 'm crazed with living in London and in the pubs and getting drunk every day , no wonder I could n't write poetry , for I could n't think .
23 another one he had during his work and he says straight away look I was put to work splitting wood , do you see that in the , paragraph on the right hand side , the next day I was told to report to the dairy barns to help milk cows , then he worked in the garden , he also took care of the bees , harvested honey for the family , then in nineteen fifty three I was transferred to the cheese making farm , now here 's a spiritual brother thinking he 's going into the battle to do all sorts of spiritual things , and yet these were his assignments , there 's a lesson here for you and I .
24 He 's going into the actually .
25 Everyone knows — Pepe says he 's going on a foreign tour and wo n't be back for months .
26 And when he marries he says he 's going to buy a house a car and he 's going on a holiday .
27 now taking us off on our action round-up tonight is Chris Symonds of Oxford … he 's going for gold … he 's going on the scariest sporting ride of all
28 This has no more to do with Christ and regenerative suffering than Dr Rutenspitz telling Mr Golyadkin that Licht will be provided for him where he 's going at the end of The Double .
29 ‘ Syl will think he 's going to a funeral not a wedding . ’
30 Christians have hindsight , you 're looking at it , you 're looking at it two thousand years later and you can see him riding into Jerusalem on a donkey , knowing that he 's going to a victory .
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