Example sentences of "he [be] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With my father I had more difficulty : all I could do with him was to argue about literature , citing my teachers ' opinions as being more up-to-date and therefore more valid than his own .
2 As the DEA was plainly out to get him , and had blocked all access to the files he needed to clear himself , the only avenue open to him was to work with Pan Am , in the common interest of getting at the truth , using his training and experience to piece together the best defence he could .
3 He told me that if he were to return to Bangladesh he would face certain assassination by the Government , which wishes to keep the situation in Chittagong secret .
4 ‘ True , ’ the Friar said , ‘ that is certainly possible , but a wise man 's life is to a large extent a commerce in probabilities , if he were to deal in possibilities he would do little trade .
5 The change would take effect at the end of his present term ( 1965 ) or before then , if he were to die in office .
6 Er , woman that he were to go to Mr .
7 He too must drive off rivals once his older patron is gone if he is to remain in possession of his inherited females .
8 Like all Ministers , the Home Secretary must maintain the Prime Minister 's confidence if he is to continue in office .
9 He is to go down Monday next .
10 Tell him often Ellen that he is to go to Italy soon where his mother and father who love him greatly await him .
11 He is to star in Death Wish Five and plans to go on to Death Wish Six and Seven .
12 He is to travel to Exeter and Derby in the next two days .
13 He is to appear in court again in Belfast on September 15 .
14 Robert 's interests shifted to Hertfordshire in the late 1470s when he married the widow of Sir Ralph Josselin , but even before this he is never recorded as acting with the duke in the north , and after Richard 's accession he was to move into opposition , along with his brother Roger .
15 Robert 's interests shifted to Hertfordshire in the late 1470s when he married the widow of Sir Ralph Josselin , but even before this he is never recorded as acting with the duke in the north , and after Richard 's accession he was to move into opposition , along with his brother Roger .
16 It was one of the conditions the Colonel laid down if he was to remain in hospital . ’
17 ( A few years later he was to complain about Eden wearing himself out by this frivolity . )
18 He was to die in Redruth workhouse in 1878 .
19 He was to go to Brighton for a fortnight in another play , in 1950 , A Phoenix Too Frequent by Christopher Fry , whose well-wrought and ‘ difficult ’ verse dramas had so unexpectedly caught the taste of the public .
20 From the hearing , which took ninety minutes , Willis emerged visibly shaken , having been told he must wait five days before hearing if he was to go to prison or not .
21 It was these two terms that he was to use in BT to symbolize his alternative to the single Winckelmann-Lessing principal of " beauty " .
22 Reluctant as he was to part with evidence that went a long way to exonerating Colin , he knew surrendering it voluntarily was vastly preferable to having it seized .
23 He wanted to emphasize the new play 's connection with The Family Reunion : once again he was to deal with characters who live in a worn-out society , and have lost their way .
24 He had no track record himself in combat and the men he was to lead in battle were a pretty tough crowd , all of them individualists and likely to be highly critical of any officer who did not come up to their own standards .
25 It was Sunday and Mark was working on the address he was to give at Trinity College , Dublin .
26 Once there he was informed that his application was being looked upon favourably , and very shortly he could expect to hear that he was to report to Cranwell to begin his Officer Training Course .
27 He turned west , down to the hotel at Loweswater where , as he was to report to Newton , ‘ I might have landed a fine salmon trout . ’
28 Though primarily a commentary on Henry II 's government in England , the Policraticus used the terms of Roman law , princeps for ruler and provincia , province , for the area of his rule ; these suggest that John also intended his book to be relevant to France , the land in which he had been educated and to which he was to return as bishop of Chartres .
29 He commented then , what he was to say in print later , that while he found Maritain a most charming man , his philosophical work , though claiming to reflect at every point Thomist orthodoxy , was in spirit quite unlike that of St Thomas : by which I presume he meant that Maritain had converted Thomas Aquinas into a French intellectual .
30 At Oxford he had written poems of considerable competence , most of them religious but a handful presumably composed with Dolben in mind ; only one or two hinted at the great originality he was to display in maturity .
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