Example sentences of "for the [noun pl] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This was the 41st competition between the two sides for the Directors Trophy which was presented to both clubs for annual competition in April 1953 , although in 1958 no play was possible because of a snowstorm .
2 It has been a year of change for the Mechanics Institute which has seen its crumbling headquarters re-vamped into a fashionable pub .
3 yeah but he do n't get done , he does n't get done , that is the problem , the kids do n't , I 've written a letter to Mr yesterday , why they were waiting for the games teacher he was hitting Geoffrey and he gave him a dead leg , kneeing him in the leg , he said before drama , he 's got drama tomorrow he says he hates drama because the teacher takes no notice , he said one week Stuart was hitting me with a stick and the teacher just said calm down you boys , and he was being hit with a stick oh no and this I find totally disgusting and I feel like complaining about this , one of the teachers and I do n't know whether its drama yeah I think it was drama and
4 For the exasperated livestock farmer , with fears for the future of his pig unit or broiler house , for the fruit-grower alarmed by the possibility of a poisonous spray inadvertently finding its way into the metabolism of a casual passerby , and for the cereals farmer who does not take kindly to his best malting barley being trampled down in order to create an impromptu picnic site , the simplest solution is to go in for siege tactics .
5 Ian Baird went for it and missed , but his flight across John Burridge 's line of vision made things awkward for the Hibs goalkeeper who was caught off balance as the ball came through , bounced off his shoulder and into the net .
6 Invest in training for the systems manager who will then be able to deal with a lot of problems that arise .
7 The male Surrealists used the female body to express an idea , whereas for the women artists it was a very concrete reality .
8 But I 'll say is it on the gardening page , is it on the letters page , pray for the sports page I always say and people look at me quite you know with a quite a look on their face when I sort of say that and I 'm absolutely serious , I 'll say you know if you get a four paragraph story on the gardeners ' page , you 're home .
9 They put up a prize at the awards ceremony they 're prepared to do all the art work for nothing or at cost price for the awards ceremony they laid on this evening for us now if three people turn up at their evening they gon na say as we putting our money in the right organisation
10 I 've just done a show a touring show , for the Arts Council which opened recently in Kendel having been in Cambridge , Swansea and Liverpool .
11 We certainly have not ceased erm to undertake educational work and erm I do from time to time er do a number of reports on that work for er our funding bodies and er recently I 've done a report requested by Northern Arts , for the Arts Council I believe .
12 That is , for the drinks conglomerates we have excluded all employment and activity associated with other drinks products .
13 To the agriculturist it offers a basic form of protection against urban influences , and for the minerals industry it retains accessible , cheap , and exploitable natural resources .
14 Ron Scriven , a spokesman for the Police Federation which represents police officers , said : ‘ If the Avon and Somerset report is forwarded to us we will study it and consider circulating the 43 forces in England and Wales with its findings .
15 For the police squad it was a new experience , but they had seen how it was done and all landed safely .
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